Bridge and Seed Funding Grants Awarded 2018

Researchers at New York Medical College (NYMC) and throughout the Touro College and University System (TCUS) are the recipients of bridge and seed grants supporting their research for the 2018-2019 year.

August 03, 2018
Bridge and Seed Funding 2018

Researchers at New York Medical College (NYMC) and throughout the Touro College and University System (TCUS) are the recipients of bridge and seed grants supporting their research for the 2018-2019 year. The bridge grants sustain research projects between larger grant funding, while seed grants enable researchers to gather initial data. The awardees were selected as part of a rigorous peer review process, as well as recommendations by the TCUS Biomedical and Health Sciences Research Council.

“We recognize the importance of continuing our investment in research. Right now we are focusing on seed funding and are confident our ROI will position us well for the future,” said Salomon Amar, D.D.S., Ph.D., provost for biomedical research and chief biomedical research officer and chair, Biomedical and Health Sciences Research Council. “The quality and depth of the research of the applications we received were quite impressive.”

In collaboration with Touro colleagues, here are this year's NYMC bridge and seed grant recipients:


Bridge Funding Grant Program

Marcello Rota, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor of Physiology
“Myocyte Repolarization and Cardiac Dysfunction with Age”

Studies proposed in this research project are directed to the identification of mechanisms responsible for the development of cardiac dysfunction and exercise intolerance occurring with aging. Results to be collected will provide information on novel therapeutic drug targets for the elderly population. 

Dazhong XuDazhong Xu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Pathology
“Gene 33/Mig6 in lung carcinogenesis”

Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer death in the world. It is crucially important to understand the mechanism of lung carcinogenesis in order to develop ways to prevent and treat lung cancer. Gene 33/Mig6 is a protein with a tumor suppressor function in the lung. Dr. Xu’s lab has recently discovered that this protein has a previously unknown role in cellular response to DNA damage. It is believed that this new function is important to lung carcinogenesis.


Seed Funding Grant Program

Paul Arnaboldi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
“Development of a Protective Mucosal Vaccine for Pseudomonas Aeruginosa”

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram negative bacteria that is a major cause of hospital acquired infections around the world.  Antimicrobial resistance has become a particularly serious issue in the treatment of P. aeruginosa infections.  It is one of a number in a growing list of multi-antimicrobial resistant bacteria often referred to as ‘superbugs.’ Dr. Arnaboldi’s team proposes to develop a vaccine to prevent P. aeruginosa infection, particularly in high risk individuals. 

Austin Meng GuoAustin Meng Guo, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology
”Myeloperoxidase Contributes to 20 HETE Regulation of Ischemia-induced Angiogenesis”

Blood vessel diseases are generally caused by the narrowing of blood vessels from lipid accumulations leading to a lack of tissue irrigation and eventually tissue death. This tissue death triggers a response mechanisms producing new blood vessels to bypass this dead tissue but often insufficient to maintain adequate tissue perfusion and leading to limb amputation. We propose: 1) To determine whether certain blood cells can produce factors that increases post ischemia and ischemia-induced angiogenesis in vivo, and 2) To investigate the signaling mechanism by which neutrophil-derived MPO induces  20-HETE production in vitro.

Padmini MurthyPadmini Murthy, M.D., M.P.H., M.S., FAMWA, FRSPH
Professor of Public Health in the Division of Health Policy and Management
“Connecting Ethiopian Women to Innovative Patient-Centered Cervical Cancer Care: A Pilot Study”

This project pilots an innovative women-centered cervical cancer screening program in rural areas of Gondar district, Ethiopia. The project provides women self-controlled cervical cancer screening and comprehensive follow-up support by creating referral network teams, strengthening health facilities, leveraging and expanding existing community health outreach initiatives, employing newly available human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA self-administered screening, and communicating test results through mobile phone technologies.

Aradhana TiwariAradhana Tiwari, Ph.D.

Neuroblastoma is a common and deadly childhood cancer with an overall 5-year survival of less than 50% for high-risk tumors. Dr. Tiwari proposes to evaluate a novel therapy for NB (GD2+/CD13+) composed of two components: Bispecific NK cell Engager (BiKE) designed to eliminate GD2+ NB cells for TME escape and increase NK evasion and Hunter Killer Peptides (HKPs) designed to selectively eliminate CD13+ NB cells by apoptosis.