NYMC > Academics > Course Descriptions > School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) > Physical Therapy Courses

PTRM 6029 Clinical Education lV (Spring III)


Credits: 8

Course Description:

Clinical Education IV is the fourth and terminal full-time clinical experiences. It is a 10-week rotation and is a required course for all DPT students. There is a 12-week option which is preferred for some for pediatric rotations. This course will provide students with the opportunity to apply their previously learned knowledge and skills to a physical therapy setting, under the supervision and mentorship of a licensed physical therapist (Clinical Instructor). Over the course of their four clinical education experiences, students will be exposed to inpatient and outpatient practice settings. Culminating experiences will be chosen based upon the unique needs and professional goals of students, and the availability of clinic sites. As students’ progress through the Clinical Education course series, it is expected that they will evolve professionally, as demonstrated by their clinical performance. It is expected that students continue to have the opportunity to practice relevant administrative and screening skills during this clinical experience (CE IV). Upon completion of the Clinical Education IV, the student is expected to have demonstrated ‘Entry Level” competency. In a specialized setting (i.e. pediatric experience), student may be at the minimum Advanced Intermediate level of performance.
