Withdrawal Policies

Each school has a unique withdrawal schedule indicating a student’s financial liability if they should withdraw at any time during the semester. No tuition refund will be made if a student is dismissed from New York Medical College. In such cases, tuition for the entire semester is payable in full. Fees and deposits are not refundable. Please review your programs withdrawal policy before registration and speak to your program bursar if you have any questions.

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Withdrawal Policy

All Programs

Fall & Spring
Before classes begin 100%
During add/drop 100%
During the first week following add/drop 75%
During the second week following add/drop 50%
During the third week following add/drop 25%
No refunds after this date 0%

All Programs

Before classes begin 100%
During add/drop 100%
During the first week following add/drop 66%
During the second week following add/drop 33%
No refund after this date 0%

School of Medicine

Fall & Spring
Through week 1 100%
Through week 2 85%
Through week 3 70%
Through week 4 55%
Through week 5 40%
Through week 6 25%
Through week 7 10%
After 7th week of semester 0%

School of Health Science & Practice

Speech Language Pathology & Doctor of Physical Therapy Programs

Fall & Spring
Prior to first day of class 100%
During the first week of class 80%
During the second week of class 60%
During the third week of class 40%
During the fourth week of class and thereafter 20%
After the fourth week of class 0%
Through the first week of class 100%
Through the second week of class 50%
After the second week of class 0%

All Other SHSP Programs

This includes Public Health, Bioethics, Biostatistics

Fall & Spring
During the first week of class 100%
During the second week of class 75%
During the third week of class 50%
During the fourth week of class and thereafter 25%
After the fourth week of class 0%
Through the first week of class 100%
Through the second week of class 50%
After the second week of class 0%

When a student in receipt of Title IV funds withdraws from school, a federal recalculation takes place. You may obtain a copy of these regulations from the Financial Aid office.

If a student has not paid full tuition and fees for the term in which the withdrawal takes place, they must pay the proportionate amount noted above before leaving the College. The withdrawal date is the date that the Registrar receives notification of withdrawal.