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COVID-19 Wellness Resources

SMHW Covid-19 Wellness ResourcesThe pandemic has impacted the world in so many ways. We have had to endure multiple struggles, changing plans, upending livelihoods, many difficult feelings including sadness, grief, and loss. We have had to accept and adjust to abrupt displacement, involuntary transitions, at times limited social contact, and an overall sense of uncertainty. We have also had to worry about the safety of ourselves, and our loved ones. It is hard to truly capture in words all that has happened over these last few years.

Therefore, it may come as no surprise that in a poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) in the Spring of 2020, nearly half (45 percent) of adults in the United States reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted due to worry and stress over the virus. But it is not all doom and gloom; many people have developed new and improved coping skills. Many have created new or deepened existing relationships, learned a new skill, or invested in a passion project. 

Yet some may feel more alone than ever. Wherever you are in this journey, here are a few things you can do to maintain good mental health over the long term:

  1. Stay connected
  2. Find ways to be of service
  3. Exercise
  4. Get enough sleep
  5. Eat nutritious foods
  6. Create a routine or daily schedule
  7. Minimize screen time, especially the news
  8. Have some fun- do something you enjoy every day
  9. Get help when you need it

If you are experiencing persistent anxiety or feeling so down that you're not able to function, ask for help.
