Office of Research Administration

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) facilitates all research and sponsored academic programs at NYMC. The Office assists faculty and staff with a variety of application and award services, such as:

  • Makes information regarding funding sources available to investigators.
  • Assists investigators and staff with application preparation.
  • Submits applications on behalf of the College.
  • Coordinates activities of the Institutional Review Boards to ensure institutional compliance with regulations regarding the use of human subjects in research activities.
  • Participates in the activities of the Institutional Animal Care and Use and Biosafety Committees to ensure institutional compliance with regulations regarding the care and use of laboratory animals and hazardous materials.
  • Upholds federal regulations and policies regarding Financial Conflict of Financial Interest in Academic Activities.
  • Develops policies and procedures responsive to federal regulations and emerging issues.
  • Negotiates and manages research relationships with industry and the transfer of research results to commercial application.
  • Receives and disseminates communications from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense and American Heart Association.

Research Administration Policies

Leadership & Contact

Susan Dudick

Grants Manager

Tara Ahern

Contracts Coordinator and Assistant Grants Manager

Silvia Wu

Assistant Contracts Coordinator

Human Subjects Research/Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Carla Charles, B.S., CCRC

Director, Human Subjects Administration

Carlos Lemus

IRB Administrative Assistant

For general IRB inquiries, please call (914) 594-2590 or email

Helpful Links: Scholarly Publications and Research Data