Funding Opportunities

The first step in securing funding for research is the identification of an appropriate funding source and application mechanism.

Questions to answer:

  • Does the funding agency support my kind of work?
  • Am I eligible? Is NYMC eligible?
  • Are the funding amount ($$) and term (years) suitable?
  • May PI salary be included on budgets?
  • Can NYMC recover indirect costs?
  • Will my application be competitive?
  • If awarded, can my funding be renewed in the future?
  • Can I realistically meet the proposal deadline?

There are numerous databases and search tools to assist you in the search for the right funding program.

Overview of Funding Sources and Mechanisms

Health-related research is funded from a variety of sources:

Source Contribution to U.S. Biomed R&D
Federal and State Governments 34%
Voluntary Health Organizations – aka “public charities” (e.g. American Heart Association, American Cancer Society) 1%
Professional Associations (e.g. American College of Surgeons) < 1%
Corporations (either direct or through industry-sponsored foundations) 53%
Private Foundations (e.g. Ford Foundation, Susan G. Komen) 1%
Universities 10%
Individuals 1%

Funding for research can be provided through a variety of financial transactions:

  • Contracts - Project originates with funder; Stresses deliverables
  • Cooperative Agreements - Contract-Grant hybrid; Funder has programmatic input
  • Grants - Project originates with grantee; Few deliverables
  • Gifts - Noncompetitive; Can be unrestricted

Research grants can be provided through a variety of mechanisms:

  • Research project
  • Program/Service
  • Fellowship
  • Training
  • Career Development
  • Travel
  • Equipment
  • Construction

It is not necessary for a researcher to understand all of the differences between types of funding sources and funding mechanisms. But it is essential that all of the details about a specific funding program be clear prior to submission of an application. And it is important to appreciate that the type of application submitted for one kind of funding may not be suitable for another. Researchers should always attempt to learn about the expectations of different funding agencies and their review panels. Conversations with agency program officers and with colleagues who have submitted successful applications to an agency are encouraged. 

Intramural Funding Opportunities

The Office of Research Administration helps coordinate the competitive annual application and review process for intramural grants to encourage multidisciplinary cross-campus collaboration throughout Touro University (TU). Applications will be reviewed by an internal peer panel of investigators who have research programs and extramural grant review experience. Guidelines and application instructions for these competitions are available on the Touro website.

Full-time New York Medical College (NYMC) faculty are eligible for: 

All students at NYMC are eligible for:

Bridge and Seed Funding

TU is committed to advancing the research projects of its faculty through cross-campus Bridge and Seed Funding Grants and individual intramural grant programs. The Seed Funding Grant Program is designed to encourage collaboration and the development of innovative interdisciplinary research among faculty, colleges, and campuses throughout TU. The Bridge Funding Grant Program aims to improve the likelihood of securing renewal funding for projects previously funded and with solid proposal priority scores. 

TU/Lovelace Biomedical Research Institute Innovative Research Grant (TU/LBRI-IIRG) Program

The TU/Lovelace Innovative Intramural Research grants are intended to encourage the development of innovative collaborative research projects in the biomedical and health sciences between the Lovelace Biomedical Research Institute (LBRI) and the multidisciplinary research communities within Touro University in New York, California, Nevada, as well as at NYMC. 

Student Research Fellowship

The Student Research Fellowship grant program is for student-led summer research projects across TU. The competition is open to all students (from our undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools) at the four major campuses, Touro University New York, Touro University California, Touro University Nevada, as well as New York Medical College. Accepted applicants will receive a stipend to support their work. Projects are student-initiated and completed under the guidance of a faculty mentor.