Technology Development, Licensing and Industry Sponsored Research

The NYMC Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) initiates, negotiates and manages research relationships with industry and the transfer of research results to commercial application. The objective is to make the College's research available for public use and benefit and to generate new revenue streams to support research. A major effort is to find companies with the capability, interest and resources to develop embryonic technologies into useful products.

Dr. Salomon Amar negotiates licenses, confidentiality agreements, materials transfer agreements and non-clinical research agreements with commercial sponsors.

All inventions developed by employees of the College through the use of the College's resources must be disclosed whether or not the project is sponsored by an external sponsor. Inventions include inter alia new or improved devices, chemical compounds, drugs, genetically-engineered biological organisms, data sets, software, or unique and innovative uses of existing inventions. The Intellectual Property kit contains a disclosure statement form, the College's Intellectual Property Policy (you can view the policy on the NYMC Policies page), advice on preparing and maintaining laboratory notebooks, and sample confidentiality and materials transfer agreements.

OTC has an active program of obtaining patent protection and commercializing opportunities for its investigators' viable product innovations. In return, investigators along with their departments and the College share in royalty income from inventions or patents as specified in the Intellectual Property Policy. OTC assists inventors in determining when articles about potentially patentable discoveries can be published without causing the loss of patent rights. Provisional patent applications which protect an invention for one year may be filed to provide a preterm period in which to evaluate the commercial potential of an invention and find a license.

Faculty and commercial sponsors may contact the Office of Research Administration for more information on technology transfer and industry sponsored research or a listing of New York Medical College's technologies available for license.

Products Available for Development and Licensing

New York Medical College collaborates with pharmaceutical companies to develop, manufacture and distribute biomedical products to the global market. New York Medical College's technologies are available for license. Products for which we are currently soliciting development and licensing partners include:

Akkermansia (oral diseases)

Use of Akkermansia in the treatment of oral diseases (patent application 16/724672)

Akkermansia is a microbe regularly found in the human gut. A method has been discovered (is being studied) to use Akkermansia to treat and prevent oral disease, as well as bad breath.  

Gingivitis and periodontitis are gum diseases caused by the buildup of bacteria on the dental plaque. If left untreated, serious oral complications can occur. Akkermansia, a microbe commonly found in the intestine, has been shown to reduce tissue inflammation and bone destruction induced by the pathogenic microorganisms. These properties of Akkermansia can be applied to aid oral health and treat oral disease. 


  • Treatment of oral disease
  • Prevention of oral disease
  • Cosmetic treatment of bad breath

Zelpolob to Inhibit Cancer

Antiproliferative DNA Polymerase Inhibitor (patent application 16/659283; Dr. Zhongtao Zhang, Dr. Bhanvi Mishra, Dr. Sufang Zhang, Dr. Marietta Lee)

Zelpolib is a DNA inhibitor which can be used to inhibit cancer cell growth.

The most successful approach in using chemotherapy to treat cancer has been to target DNA replication. Zelpolib is a DNA polymerase inhibitor which can be used to inhibit DNA replication and repair. Zelpolib is a promising candidate for cancer treatment if it can be used to target cancerous cells. 

GPR75 to Treat Cardiovascular and Other Diseases

20-HETE receptor (GPR75) antagonists and methods of use (patent application 16/083404 & PCT)

Using a 20-Hete antagonist to treat cardiovascular disease, renal disease, thrombotic disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, cell proliferation, and ischemic cardiovascular disorders.

20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-Hete) synthesis is increased in tissue in cardiovascular, cerebral, and renal diseases. It acts as a vasoconstrictor and can cause inflammation and angiogenesis. An antagonist which interferes with the action of 20-Hete can prevent the inflammation and hypertension which usually accompanies cardiovascular disease, renal disease, thrombotic disease and other diseases.

Early Lyme Disease Detection

High sensitivity method for early lyme disease detection (patent 10669567)

There could be as many as 300,000 cases of Lyme disease (LD) in the US alone each year. Despite the prevalence of the disease and its seriousness, there are limited methods for early detection of LD. This invention seeks to offer a method for early and accurate detection of LD by testing a biological sample from the subject.  

Restoring the Glycocalyx

Compositions and methods for restoring endothelial glycocalyx (patent 10849924)

The Glycocalyx is a protective lining at the surface of the endothelium found in all blood vessels. Some functions of the Glycocalyx include regulating vascular permeability and coagulation, traffic of leukocytes, mechanosensing and nitric oxide production. Certain conditions are associated with the loss of the endothelial glycocalyx, and there are limited methods of glycocalyx restoration. This invention seeks to aid in the restoration of the glycocalyx. 

Pluripotent Adult Stem Cells

Pluripotent adult stem cells (patent 7259011)

Stem cells are unique cells which can self renew and give rise to other specialized cells. This invention allows for the characterization and isolation of multipotent adult stem cells. 

Post Mitotic Cortical Interneurons for Epilepsy

Generation of post-mitotic migratory cortical interneurons, Repair of Damaged Myocardium (patent application 17/280225)

Compromised function of Cortical interneurons is associated with various brain disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and epilepsy. This invention seeks to offer an efficient method to generate synchronized cIN populations to use for research.  
characterization and isolation of multipotent adult stem cells. 

Lipopolysaccharide Induced TNF-α factor (LITAF)

The inflammatory response protects the body against infection and injury but can itself become dysregulated with deleterious consequences. The inflammatory cytokine TNF-α has been clinically validated as a primary driver of several inflammatory diseases. Several compounds isolated from kava root extract were found to mediate substantial reduction of TNF-α secretion—more specifically, Lipopolysaccharide Induced TNF-α factor (LITAF) mediates cytokine expression.

Anti-inflammatory Compounds (patent application 16/502284)

The compounds described in the invention are useful in the inhibition of cytokine TNF-α, the management of inflammation such as periodontitis or in infective or rheumatoid arthritis, either as compounds, pharmaceutically acceptable salts, pharmaceutical ingredients, whether or not in combination with other anti-inflammatory active pharmaceutical ingredients.

  • Treating inflammation
  • Treating periodontitis
  • Treating infective arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.