Charles T. Stier, Jr., Ph.D.

Charles T. Stier, Jr., Ph.D., is a bona fide pharmacologist. For ten years, he has served as the basic science executive editor for the American Journal of Hypertension, which is one of the top three hypertension journals in the world and has edited more than 2,000 manuscripts. Dr. Stier has an extensive research background inclusive of numerous grants from the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association and Pharmaceutical Industry.
The Department of Pharmacology at New York Medical College is a center of excellence for Eicosanoid Research. As a faculty member in this department for more than 40 years, Dr. Stier is an expert in the area of Eicosanoids. These areas of academic expertise and experience have allowed him to have a positive impact on the learners and members of the NYMC community in his roles as director of the dental and graduate pharmacology courses as well as his many teaching roles in the NYMC School of Medicine.
- B.S., Chemistry, State University of New York at Stony Brook
- M.S., M.Phil., Pharmacology, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Ph.D., Pharmacology, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
- NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, Renal Physiology/Nephrology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Areas of Expertise
- Pharmacology
- Kidney
- Hypertension
- Stroke
- Eicosanoids
Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Faculty Award, The Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences, New York Medical College
- American Heart Association, North Carolina Affiliate Grant-in-Aid. Effect of dopamine on glomerular ultrafiltration dynamics. 7/1/81-6/30/82.
- New York Medical College Grant-in-Aid. Intrarenal Formation of Serotonin from its Amino Acid Precursors. 8/1/82-7/31/83.
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Foundation Research Starter Grant. Role of thromboxane in water balance, renal hemodynamics and development of hypertension spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). 1/1/83-12/31/84.
- American Heart Association, National Center. Thromboxane, fluid balance and renal function in hypertension.
- National Institutes of Health. Role of eicosanoids in renin release and renal function.
- National Institutes of Health. Thromboxane in severe hypertension. 12/1/85-11/30/88.
- American Heart Association, National Center. Stroke prevention and reversal of renal dysfunction in SHRSP. 7/1/89-6/30/92.
- National Institutes of Health (NHLBI). Prevention of stroke and kidney dysfunction by ACE inhibition. 7/1/89-6/30/92.
- American Heart Association, New York State Affiliate, Inc. Angiotensin and vascular damage in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. 7/1/92-6/30/95.
- National Institutes of Health (NHLBI) Prevention of stroke and kidney dysfunction by ACE inhibition. 12/1/93-11/30/97.
- American Heart Association, New York State Affiliate, Inc. Role of mineralocorticoids in the vascular pathology of stroke-prone hypertensive rats. 7/1/98-6/30/01.
- National Institutes of Health (NHLBI) Prevention of stroke and kidney dysfunction by ACE inhibition. 9/30/99-8/31/03.
- National Institutes of Health (NHLBI) Program Project Grant. Hormonal regulation of blood pressure. Co-Director of Core C: Genetics and Phenotyping. 4/1/2011-03/31/2016.
- Stier CT, Gupte S. "Commentary on Expression of Exogenous Epithelial Sodium Channel Beta Subunit in the Mouse Middle Cerebral Artery Increases Pressure-Induced Constriction." American journal of hypertension, 34(11), (2021) 1143-1144. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpab134
- Schragenheim J, Bellner L, Cao J, et. al. "EET enhances renal function in obese mice resulting in restoration of HO-1-Mfn1/2 signaling, and decrease in hypertension through inhibition of sodium chloride co-transporter." Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators, 137(), (2018) 30-39. doi: 10.1016/j.prostaglandins.2018.05.008
- Camp R, Stier CT Jr, Serova LI, et. al. "Cardiovascular responses to intranasal neuropeptide Y in single prolonged stress rodent model of post-traumatic stress disorder." Neuropeptides, 67(), (2018) 87-94. doi: 10.1016/j.npep.2017.11.006
- Carroll MA, Kang Y, Chander PN, et. al. "Azilsartan is associated with increased circulating angiotensin-(1-7) levels and reduced renovascular 20-HETE levels." American journal of hypertension, 28(5), (2015) 664-71. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpu201
- Li J, Stier CT, Chander PN, et. al. "Pharmacological manipulation of arachidonic acid-epoxygenase results in divergent effects on renal damage." Frontiers in pharmacology, 5(), (2014) 187. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2014.00187
- Stier CT. "Vascular effects of high-salt intake." Journal of hypertension, 31(3), (2013) 472-3. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32835e8de1
- Stier CT Jr. "Serotonin and dopamine in essential hypertension." American journal of hypertension, 26(2), (2013) 151. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hps085
Recent Presentations
- The role of aldosterone in models of vascular injury. Symposium 5 - Aldosterone: A new appreciation of its role in cardiac and vascular risk. Invited Speaker. 15th Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension and Related Risk Factors in Ethnic Populations (ISHIB-2000) El Conquestador Hotel and Resort, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico, July 15 to 18, 2000.
- Potassium chloride intake provokes increases in plasma aldosterone and renal injury in non-sodium loaded stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Oral Presentation at the American Society of Nephrology's 2000 Annual Meeting: Toronto, Canada, October 13, 2000.
- Role of aldosterone in the development of stroke in genetically hypertensive rats. Circulation J. 66 (Suppl I) 520, 2002. Presented at the 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society, Sapporo, Japan, April 24-26, 2002.
- Sodium transport antagonism reduces thrombotic microangiopathy in stroke-prone hypertensive rats (SHRSP) through a non-diuretic mechanism. Poster Presentation at the International Society of Hypertension Meeting (ISH-2002): Prague, Czech Republic, June 23-27, 2002.
- Sodium transport antagonism reduces thrombotic microangiopathy in stroke-prone hypertensive rats (SHRSP) through a non-diuretic mechanism. Podium Presentation at the 4th International Congress of Pathophysiology: Budapest, Hungary, June 30, 2002.
- Aldosterone and not Ang II is associated with malignant nephrosclerosis and increase in-vivo expression of renal osteopontin in stroke-prone hypertensive rats. ALDO ’03 International Symposium on Aldosterone, London, England, April 28, 2003.
- A soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibitor, AUDA, ameliorates end-organ damage in stroke-prone hypertensive rats (SHRSP). OS23/2 International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin Convention Center, Berlin, Germany, June 14-19, 2008.
- The effectors modulating the effects of the pro-fibrotic and pro-inflammatory effects of aldosterone: A pathophysiological Update-2009. Session entitled, Aldosterone Axis. Inter-American Society of Hypertension, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 4-8, 2009.
- Niacin protects against renal but aggravates cardiac damage in rats with the metabolic syndrome. International Society of Hypertension, Hypertension Sydney 2012, Sydney, Australia, September 30 – October 4, 2012. Accepted for Oral Presentation.
Professional Service
- Session Chair, Winter Eicosanoid Conference, Session Chair
- Abstract Reviewer, American Heart Association Scientific Session
- Session Chair, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions
- AHA Northeast One Study Group, Integrated Cardiovascular Biology
- Special Emphasis Panel for review of NIH grant applications
- SBIR Study Section Neurodegenerative Diseases, Silver Springs/Washington DC
- Editorial Board: American Journal of Hypertension
- Editorial Board: Journal of Hypertension
- Editorial Board: Cardiovascular Drug Reviews
- Executive Editor: American Journal of Hypertension
- Editorial Board: American Journal of Hypertension
- Guest Editor: American Journal of Hypertension
Memberships and Affiliations
- Fellow, American Heart Association Council for High Blood Pressure Research
- American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
- American Society of Hypertension
- American Federation for Clinical Research
- American Heart Association, Council on Hypertension
- American Heart Association, Council on Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease
- The New York Society of Nephrology
- Eastern Hypertension Society
- American Society of Nephrology
Teaching Responsibilities
- Dental Pharmacology Course Director and Lecturer
- Graduate Pharmacology: Course Director and Lecturer
- NYMC School of Medicine: CV Module – Lecturer and Small Group Facilitator
- NYMC School of Medicine: Renal Module – Lecturer
- NYMC School of Medicine: Module 2 – Lecturer
- Arendshorst, W.J. and C.T. Stier, Jr. Intrarenal hydrostatic pressures in six-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). In Abstracts of the VIIIth International Congress of Nephrology, Athens, Greece, 1977, 1981.
- Stier, C.T., Jr., J.R. Dilley and W.J. Arendshorst. Tubuloglomerular feedback in young spontaneously hypertensive rats with reduced glomerular filtration rate. Kidney Int. 21:248, 1982.
- Stier, C.T., Jr. and I. Benter. Combined inhibition of thromboxane synthase and converting enzyme in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). Kidney Int. 31:310, 1987.
- Stier, C.T., Jr., F. Lin, S. Levine and P. Chander. Loss of protection against stroke on withdrawal of ACE inhibitor therapy with SQ-29852 in salt-loaded stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP). J Hypertension 8 (suppl 3):S93, 1990.
- Ahmed, A., Y.M. Choi, P.N. Chander and C.T. Stier, Jr. N-Nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA) induced vascular damage in stroke-prone SHR (SHRSP) is not prevented by ACE inhibitor therapy. The FASEB Journal 6:A1873, 1992.
- Balazy, M., D. Fulton, J.R. Falck, C.T. Stier and J.C. McGiff. A cytochrome P450 arachidonic acid epoxide (5,6-EET) is a potent inhibitor of thromboxane formation. The FASEB Journal 7:A45, 1993.
- Rocha, R., K. Khanna, J. Burstein, J. Cho, A. Zuckerman, P.N. Chander and C.T. Stier, Jr. Aldosterone reverses the renal protective effect of ACE inhibition in stroke-prone hypertensive rats. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 8:A1407, 1997.
- Rocha, R., P.N. Chander, A. Zuckerman and C.T. Stier, Jr. Mineralocorticoid antagonism reduces Ang II-induced renal injury in stroke-prone hypertensive rats. Am. J. Hypertension 6(5) Part II:103A, 1998.
- Stier, C.T., Jr., P.N. Chander, D. Mullen, G. Lesnik and R. Rocha. Eplerenone lessens blood pressure elevation in non-salt-loaded stroke-prone hypertensive rats. J. Hypertension 12(4) Part II:113A, 1999.
- Stier, C.T., Jr., A. Zuckerman, H. Harashima and P.N. Chander. Antioxidants reduce aldosterone-induced renal vascular injury in stroke-prone SHR. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 10:A2019, 1999.
- Stier, C.T., Jr., A. Zuckerman, H. Harashima and P.N. Chander. Antioxidants reduce aldosterone-induced renal vascular injury in stroke-prone SHR. International Society of Hypertension Abstract Book page S75: Chicago, Illinois, August 20-24, 2000.
- Stier, C.T., Jr., F.T. Botros, J. Maki, L. Akinsamni and P.N. Chander. Potassium chloride intake provokes increases in plasma aldosterone and renal injury in non-sodium loaded stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). J Am. Soc. Nephrol. 11:A1944, 2000.
- Stier, C.T., C.C. Chen, C.B. Clifford, D.R. Owens and S.N. Masineni. High salt intake conditions stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats to early stroke and renal damage as compared with their hypertensive and normotensive progenitor strains. J Clin Hypertens. 8(5): A39, 2006.
- Stier, C.T., Jr., I.R. Hassan, S.N. Masineni, G.D. Singh, T.Y. Chun, J.H. Pratt and P.N. Chander. Cardiovascular consequences of long-term therapy with eplerenone in non-salt loaded stroke-prone hypertensive rats. 32nd Annual International Aldosterone Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 22 & 23, 2006. (Podium Presentation).
- Stier, C.T., Jr., C.C.A. Chen, C.B. Clifford, D.R. Owens, S.N. Masineni. High-salt intake conditions Charles River stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats to early stroke and renal damage. International Society of Hypertension, Abstract Book page 102, Fukuoka, Japan, October 15-19, 2006.
- Stier, C.T., Y-J. Kang, T. Manero and P.N. Chander. Niacin treatment markedly reduces proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis in rats with the metabolic syndrome. American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2009, San Diego, CA, October 27-November 01, 2009. Accepted for poster presentation.
- Stier, C.T., Y-J. Kang and P.N. Chander. Niacin protects against renal but aggravates cardiac damage in rats with the metabolic syndrome. International Society of Hypertension, Hypertension Sydney 2012, Sydney, Australia, September 30-October 4, 2012. Accepted for Oral Presentation.
- Travel
- Camping
- Fishing
- Numismatics