Planning an Event
Individual offices, schools and departments are responsible for the logistics and coordination of their online or in-person events on or off campus.
As a higher education institution, our student’s educational experience is our number one priority. New York Medical College (NYMC) will consider external event requests provided they adhere to our policies. Refer to the events calendars and academic calendars for potential conflicts. Be mindful of your audience availability, midterms, finals, exams other events, etc.
Sponsoring offices or departments must add their event to the NYMC online events calendar and include any accompanying RSVP links prior to submitting a request for service from the Office of Public Relations. Please note that each NYMC school has a designated person in the respective school dean’s office to approve the event to go LIVE on the calendar. This applies to in-person and online events.
NYMC Events Guide
Please refer to the NYMC Events Guide for all things you need to know when hosting your event.
Book Your Event
Student Organizations & Clubs
Student organizations and clubs must contact Anthony M. Sozzo, M.A., M.S.Ed., M.A., associate dean for student affairs and director of student financial planning and student activities, at sozzo@nymc.edu, for event space and room reservations.
Staff and Faculty
Reservations on the Valhalla campus are facilitated through the Office of Facilities Management. For any room reservation needs, please use the Resource Scheduler Login.
For requesters with a username and password: Please log in using your email address. (If a password has not been assigned to you please contact the Office of Facilities Management and one can be assigned for you). This will give the user access to the campus scheduler which includes all classrooms and various rooms on campus. Once logged in, users may click on the Reservation Wizard which will allow you to enter the date, time and name of your event/meeting. You may also specify the type of room you would like to use (example: conference room; auditorium or classroom). The reservation wizard will then give you a list of the rooms available that meet your event/meeting needs. Once you click on the submit button your request will be sent to the Office of Facilities Management and/or Office of Educational Media for final approval. The user will be sent a confirmation email and the event can be viewed in the calendar.
If you require any assistance or housekeeping services, please contact the Office of Facilities Management at (914) 594-4588, or email Rosanna Bonelli (rosanna_bonelli@nymc.edu) or Susan Butler (susan_butler@nymc.edu) to obtain a username and password for resource scheduler.
Submit Event to Calendar
Before submitting an event, please make sure that any and all event space (including reserving a room) and logistics are confirmed beforehand.
Guidelines for Submitting Events for Publication on the Calendar
- The calendars are designed to list activities and events which are of interest to a wide audience from the NYMC community, or those activities and events which serve to promote the NYMC itself
- Events should be sponsored by a NYMC entity (e.g., school, department, center, administrative office, student group, club, organization, etc.).
- Submissions must be made at least one week in advance of the event to ensure they are approved and published in time. If your event is submitted less than one week before its date, we cannot guarantee its publication.
- Events should be open to the general public, the NYMC community or a segment of the NYMC community. Since the calendar can be viewed by the world, anyone submitting an event that is not open to the public or to the entire NYMC community must specify who can attend the event.
- Student groups are welcome and encouraged to post to the events calendar. However, we ask that the calendar be reserved for special events (performances, exhibitions, lectures, etc.) and not standing club meetings.
- Events requiring RSVP/registration must specify as such and include appropriate links/information. The events calendar is not able to process monetary transactions.
- Please refrain from using ALL CAPS, exclamation points!, colored fonts or excessive text formatting (boldface, italics, etc.).
- If an event is co-sponsored by more than one office, department or organization, please coordinate when submitting your event to avoid multiple submissions for the same event.
- The Communications Office reserves the right to edit calendar submissions for content and length.
Events That Do Not Belong on the NYMC Calendar
The following events may not be approved for publication on the events calendar:
- Events with no direct NYMC connection.
- Events hosted by a non-NYMC affiliated organization but featuring participation by members of the NYMC community.
- Events of a commercial or personal nature.
- Events containing political endorsements or fundraising solicitations.
- Events containing slanderous, unlawful or obscene content.
- Events that are invitation-only, non-NYMC events hosted on campus or events targeted to a highly niche audience.
- Event submissions that do not include sufficient details.
- Announcements, ongoing courses, advertisements, solicitations and personal events.
Submit an Alumni and Development event to the calendar
Submit a GSBMS event to the calendar
Submit a SHSP event to the calendar
Submit a SOM event to the calendar
Submit a general event to the calendar
Requests for Public Relations Services
The Office of Public Relations is responsible for the overall brand image and identity of NYMC. The brand presents a clear visual representation of the College and includes logos, font types, colors, photos, and the school name. The Office of Public Relations oversees the brand to ensure it is applied consistently and appropriately to all communication vehicles including publications (both print and electronic), the website, social media, stationery, business cards, signage and banners. These style guidelines outline the proper use of the NYMC logo and overall brand image, provide guidance on digital media content and production of print materials.
NYMC offices and departments that would like to request services from the Office of Public Relations please complete the Public Relations Project Request Form.
Student clubs and organizations must go through an NYMC office or department to request services.