The Chironian magazine is the flagship publication of NYMC where we highlight our cutting-edge research, expert faculty, student accomplishments and exceptional alumni from all three NYMC school. You can see our featured stories for the current issue below, or view the full print edition of all issues of the Chironian.
Chironian 2024: Guiding the Next Generation of Physicians
From The Current Issue
Ashanda M. Saint Jean, M.D. ’98, Shaping the Future of Inclusive Women’s Wellness
Dr. Saint Jean Pursued Career in Medicine, Continuing Her Mother’s Legacy by Achieving Professional Success
Andrea Love, Ph.D. ’14 Navigates the Intersection of Science and Misinformation
Dr. Love’s Journey in Science and Public Education
Dawn French, M.P.H. ’15 Goes from Breaking News to Breaking Barriers in Health Care
Reputations Are Built Not Only Through Hard Work, but Through Effective Communication
NYMC’s Center for Human Rights Helps Migrants Navigate the Asylum Process
Student-Run Clinic Provides Crucial Support for Asylum Seekers through Pro-Bono Medical Evaluations
Innovation Across the Miles
NYMC and Lovelace Forge Powerful Ties in Health Research
Neil W. Schluger, M.D.,Teaches Students to Put their Patients First
With Focus on Medicine, Public Health, Science, and Policy
Making Strides Against Obesity
As One of Today’s Most Prevalent—and Most Complex—Chronic Diseases, Obesity Warrants Less Stigma and Over-Simplification, and More Empathetic Evidence-based Approaches
Unconventional Routes to Success at NYMC
Not All Roads Lead Students Directly to NYMC With Some Being More Circuitous Than Others, Making The Journey More Meaningful
The Chironian Name
The Chironian magazine is named after Chiron. In Greek mythology, Chiron, called the wisest and most just of the centaurs, raised Aesculapius and instructed him in the art of healing. Noted British sculptor Abram Belskie created a sculpture called "The First Chironian." Mr. Belskie was a familiar figure at the College sometime in the late 1950s where he was creatively engaged in translating medical science into sculpture and medallic art.
Renowned as a medical sculptor for his life-size scientifically correct anatomical models, Belskie worked with American physician and medical illustrator Robert L. Dickinson, M.D., on the Birth Series at New York Medical College and his Heart Series for American Heart Association, which was displayed at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Mr. Belskie also designed the Alumni Association medal and the College's centennial medal, which earned him The Saltus Medal Award by the American Numismatic Society in 1959.