Radiation Medicine
The Department of Radiation Medicine at New York Medical College (NYMC) provides a wide range of therapies for adults and children and coordinated complex multidisciplinary care with our surgical, medical, neuro, urologic, gynecologic and pediatric oncology colleagues at NYMC’s major clinical affiliate Westchester Medical Center. Additionally, our services include the only pediatric radiation oncology program in the region through Maria Fareri Children's Hospital. Our renowned faculty has subspecialty expertise in specific types of cancer. Patients are treated with advanced technology and leading-edge treatments with access to clinical trials.
The Department is actively involved in leading edge clinical and translational research. Faculty are involved both at the national and local levels in NCI cooperative group research protocols. Our faculty also has a history of externally supported research through the NIH and industry. We encourage involvement of medical students in research within the Department and work with students on research including DEI, which has led to peer-reviewed publications.
Medical Student Education
Faculty in the Department of Radiation Medicine offer a radiation oncology elective for third- and fourth-year students. This elective provides students with an introduction to oncology and the role of radiation therapy in cancer management. Students are assigned daily to a radiation oncologist who illustrates through their everyday experience with patients the basic facts of cancer etiology, natural history, and efficacy of therapy. Students also have the opportunity to observe conventional radiation treatments, 3-D Conformal Therapy (3-DCRT), Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), and Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) and participate in both the primary evaluations and follow-up of patients. Time is allotted for observation of treatment planning and delivery.
Meet the Team
Department of Radiation Medicine
New York Medical College
(914) 594-2088
Department of Radiation Medicine
100 Woods Road, Valhalla NY 10595 Suite 1297
(914) 493-8561
Mark D. Hurwitz, M.D. FASTRO, FACRO
Department Chair and Director
Claudia Carreon, M.B.A.