CeCredential Validation

CeDiplomas or CeCertificates can be certified using the validation services.

Alphanumeric Key


You may check institutional accreditation through the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA):
(CHEA is an independent, non-profit organization, and neither endorses, authorizes, sponsors, nor is affiliated with CeCredential Trust.) https://www.chea.org/search-institutions.

For more information, please visit CeCredential Trust.

View commonly asked questions about the CeDiploma

*CeDiD = a unique 12-digit Certified Electronic Document Identifier

For paper copies, send a request with a clear photocopy of your official diploma, and we will certify it at no cost.

In many instances, an apostille may not be required. The CeDiploma have legal standing, are non-repudiating, and can be validated through the college’s website to provide absolute confidence in the credential’s authenticity. Questions should be redirected to registrar@nymc.edu.

More About CeCredentials


Learn more about the security features of a CeDiploma


A Certified Electronic Credential Overview