Register for Classes

Registering for Classes

D.P.T., M.S. in SLP, and M.D. programs are lock-step with a set curriculum. You will receive registration information from your program. You can see current semester course offerings and how to register for classes at:

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS)

School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP)

School of Medicine (SOM)

Biographical Information in the TouroOne Portal

It's important to keep your biographical info in TouroOne up-to-date

Updating Address & Cell Phone Information

  • Click Academic on the left blue sidebar
  • Click the View/Update Address and Phone link within the “My Records” section
  • Click the Update Addresses and Phones link at the bottom of the screen
  • Follow the detailed instructions at the top of the webpage

Updating Emergency Contact Information

  • Click Academic on the left blue sidebar
  • Click the View/Update Emergency Contacts link within the “My Records” section
  • Click the Update Emergency Contacts link at the bottom of the screen
  • Add a new contact or update an existing one and click Submit Change

Updating Ethnicity Information

  • Click Academic on the left blue sidebar
  • Click the View Student Information link within the “My Records” section
  • Click the Personal Information tab at the top of the screen
  • Click View Ethnicity and Race
  • If present data needs updating, click the Update Ethnicity and Race button
  • Choose from the options listed and click Continue, which will save your choice