Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Educational Objectives
A graduate of the GSBMS will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the major organizing concepts within the discipline of specialization.
- explain and appraise major theoretical and organizing paradigms.
- describe seminal experimental results in the field and explain their contribution to the development of current understanding.
- identify major unanswered questions or significant gaps in our understanding of the disciplinary area.
- Critically evaluate the scientific literature in the discipline of the degree.
- explain and appraise the experimental rationale.
- identify and explain the limitations of the experimental design and results.
- place individual study results into the broader context of the field of study represented.
- synthesize a coherent overview of a topic from an analysis of studies from many laboratories or disciplines.
- Communicate clearly and persuasively in oral, written and graphic formats.
- write well-organized, coherent, and tightly argued essays (exams, term papers, literature reviews, theses, dissertations) on scientific topics.
- prepare oral presentations (in-class, journal clubs, research forums, etc.) that break down complex topics into narratives that can be understood and stimulating to expert and educated non-expert audiences.
- translate complex scientific concepts and topics into language that lay audiences can understand and appreciate.
- prepare informative, accurate and visually appealing charts, figures, and illustrations of data and scientific mechanisms and relationships.
- Demonstrate mastery of the scientific method. *
- construct specific aims appropriate to address a scientific question.
- design experiments to achieve specific aims.
- identify proper controls.
- choose appropriate methodology, including experimental models.
- execute a successful, original dissertation research project.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the principles governing the responsible conduct of research. *
- identify and interpret issues related to data integrity, collegiality, institutional responsibility, research subjects, and social responsibility of scientists.
- identify and distinguish the relevant principles, laws, professional codes of ethics, institutional guidelines, etc. that apply to common situations in research settings and outline how these would be used to reach and justify an ethical resolution.
* Currently apply in full measure to Ph.D. students only. Master’s graduates would be expected to have some knowledge of these topics, but less practical mastery of them.