SOM Student Senate Set to Tackle New Academic Year

The Newly Elected Executive Board Shares Their New Initiatives

August 08, 2022
2022 SOM Student Senate
2022 SOM Student Senate clockwise from top left, Rajkumar Pammal, Class of 2023, President; Katherine Lo, Class of 2024, Vice President; Harry Haran, Class of 2025, Treasurer; Roy Miller, Class of 2024, Outreach Coordinator; Doria Weiss, Class of 2025, Secretary

Members of the School of Medicine (SOM) Student Senate have their sights set on a productive 2022-2023 academic year. The 21 peer-elected student representatives from all classes represent concerns and ideas of their peers to administration and work to develop initiatives to improve the lives of their classmates. Rajkumar Pammal, top left, Class of 2023 and president of the student senate, who is serving his second term as president, and the new executive board of the Student Senate officers shared their plans.

Rajkumar Pammal, Class of 2023, President

"Every year, SOM students bring such enthusiasm and new ideas to the New York Medical College (NYMC) community, ranging from curricular improvements to wellness initiatives and more. I am excited to support these ideas and enable efforts to come to fruition in my role as Student Senate president. This year, the Senate will be placing emphasis on the key areas of medical student mental health and wellness, personal and professional mentorship, and promoting service and volunteerism opportunities. I encourage students to look after each other, and always feel free to reach out to me or any Senate member with comments, concerns or suggestions to improve our medical school experience. Here's to a fantastic year ahead."

Katherine Lo, Class of 2024, Vice President

“As the Senate vice president this year, my goal is to collaborate with other student leaders to develop processes and initiatives aimed at supporting student success at NYMC. With the curriculum redesign, ongoing anti-bias and anti-racism efforts, and other new initiatives on campus, this year offers many exciting opportunities for Senate to liaise with other student groups. Along with facilitating these connections, I look forward to fostering mentorship and personal growth within the Senate organization through team building and leadership development activities. I am very excited for what this year has to offer and looking forward to getting started.”

Harry Haran, Class of 2025, Treasurer

"As Senate treasurer for the upcoming academic year, my responsibilities include handling the Senate Treasury to ensure that appropriate records are kept, approve funding for club events and process students’ reimbursements in a timely manner. One of my main goals for this year is to encourage clubs to have in-person events to help create a stronger sense of community on the NYMC campus. In addition, I hope to create a more streamline process for planning these events and disbursing funding if necessary. I cannot wait see the exciting things students plan on achieving."

Doria Weiss, Class of 2025, Secretary

“As secretary of the Student Senate, my goal is to be an accessible touch point between the Senate, student body and administration, while fostering a collaborative, supportive environment. I hope to enhance the relationships between Senate and student club leaders from promoting events on social media to assisting in organizing events and streamlining information from administration to students. I could not be more excited to take on this role and be a voice for our student body this upcoming year.”

Roy Miller, Class of 2024, Outreach Coordinator

“Promoting community is a distinguishing attribute of NYMC. As the SOM outreach coordinator, my priorities are to connect students to our extraordinary alumni, as well as support initiatives in engaging our surrounding community. Through our online network NYMC Connect and alumni engagement events, students can be mentored by those who walked the same halls as them and went on to be leaders in their field. In a collaboration between the Senate and the Offices of Diversity and Inclusion and Student Affairs, we will develop a database to connect students to the many inspiring community outreach initiatives here at NYMC. Of course, I am always open to suggestions from the NYMC community, and remain available to students, alumni and faculty alike who are interested in mentorship and collaboration with the NYMC student body.”