NYMC Shines at the International Winter Eicosanoid Conference

The Department of Pharmacology Presented and Earned Numerous Awards at the WEC

November 06, 2023
Student presenting on a projector their research
Alexandra Wolf presenting her research at the 19th International Winter Eicosanoid Conference.

New York Medical College (NYMC) was well represented at the 19th International Winter Eicosanoid Conference (WEC) from October 15 - 17 in Baltimore, Maryland. NYMC students, faculty and staff were among more than 100 attendees at the conference who exchanged ideas and learned new developments in the field of eicosanoids, particularly in cancer, inflammation and cardiovascular disease. 

The biennial meeting was co-founded in 1998 by the late John C. McGiff, M.D., former chair of pharmacology. Michal L. Schwartzman, Ph.D., professor and chair of pharmacology, co-organized the event, with Gail Anderson, associate administrator, serving as the conference coordinator and Jennifer Brown, senior project coordinator, as the conference assistant.
Along with Dr. Schwartzman, several faculty, students, and staff of the Department of Pharmacology presented their fascinating research and won prestigious awards.

 Presentations and Awards

 “20-HETE-GPR75 Pairing in Cardiometabolic Disease”
Michal L. Schwartzman, Ph.D., professor and chair of pharmacology
“The Impact of 20-HETE and its Receptor on the development of NAFLD, Diet-induced Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease” 
Victor Garcia, Ph.D. ’15, assistant professor of pharmacology
“Prevention and Reversal of Diet-Induced Obesity by the 20-HETE Receptor Blocker, AAA, and its Impact on Glucose Handling” 
Danielle Diegisser, a second-year Ph.D. student in pharmacology

      • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)/National Institute of Health Travel Award
      • Outstanding Poster Award

“12-LOX Plays a Key Role in Islet Inflammation and Dysfunction”
Melinee D'Silva, M.S., a second-year student in the Integrated Ph.D. Program

      • NIEHS Travel Award

“Deconstructing High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiometabolic Disease: The Role of the 20-HETE Receptor (GPR75)”
Alexandra Wolf, a third-year Ph.D. student

      • Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators (POLM/Elsevier) Young Investigator Award
      • Outstanding Poster Award

Dr. Schwartzman chaired the John C. McGiff Memorial Award Lecture, of which she was a former recipient. Charles T. Stier, Ph.D., professor of pharmacology, served as co-chair of the poster sessions and awards for the past five years. Dr. Garcia was chair of the Trainee Mentoring Sessions, this year introducing artificial intelligence into research. Austin M. Guo, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmacology, participated as a member of the Awards Committee. Dr. Stier, Dr. Garcia, Dr. Guo and Brendon Naicker, core manager of Lipidomics and Mass Spectrometry Core, participated as poster judges.