Adjusting to the Culture Shock of Social Distancing

How to Adjust to and Thrive in Our New Normal

March 23, 2020
Image shows the following words: Social Distance
Social Distance Saves Lives

If social distancing is taking its toll on your mental wellness—you are not alone, says David Stern, M.D., co-director of the Office of Student Mental Health and Wellness and assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. “Understand this is a new and unique situation that will take some adjustment. Cut yourself some slack and realize you will be unproductive and anxious initially but with mindfulness and creativity, we can adjust to this new normal,” he says.

Dr. Stern suggests:

  • Be concrete and think of all the things you can do to prepare your environment and be safe. Think about the basics: food, shelter, money, etc.
  • Make a new schedule for yourself. Structure can help with the transition, making this new way of living easier.  Think about best times of the day to study, exercise, socialize, eat and relax. 
  • Be flexible and open to change with respect to how you do things. This is uncharted territory for you.
  • Reach out to friends and family and set times to connect by phone or video. Have fun and be creative.



Free Interactive Mindfulness Workshop

Meditation Resources

Fun Ways to Take a Break

Museum Tours

Stream a Broadway Show

Keep Watch on a Zoo or Aquarium

  • The Smithsonian's National Zoo has webcams on their pandas, lions, and elephants.
  • The Georgia Aquarium lets you watch their beluga whales, penguins, and piranhas.

Ways to Stay Socially Connected

  • Netflix Party
    • Chat with your friends while watching the same movie at the same time.
  • Houseparty
    • Have a group video chat with friends.
  • Online Support Group – Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
  • Reach out to others 
    • This period of social distancing can seem isolating and lonesome at times. Luckily, we already live in a virtual world. Reach out to friends and family.  
  • Ways to help with social distancing:
    • Google hangout yoga sessions with fellow yogi’s
    • FaceTime for coffee breaks 
    • FaceTime just to see faces you need to see on a regular basis,


Disclosure: We encourage you to stay informed, however, please know your limits. Over-consumption of information is detrimental to our mental health.

COVID-19 Specific Information

Mental Health, Stress and Anxiety Related to COVID-19: