Anthony M. Sozzo, M.A., M.S.Ed., Advocates on Capitol Hill 

In his role as graduate/professional caucus chair of the NASFAA, Mr. Sozzo advocates for student aid issues on Capital Hill

October 15, 2018
Anthony M. Sozzo, M.A., M.S.Ed. on Capital Hill

In his role as graduate/professional caucus chair of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), Anthony M. Sozzo, M.A., M.S.Ed., right, associate dean for student affairs and director of student financial planning and student activities, took to Capitol Hill on October 11, to advocate for student aid issues related to graduate and professional students.

He joined five other NASFAA members, including Damien Jackson, director of student finance at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, at the third annual event as part of NASFAA's Advocacy Pipeline initiative. They met with staff from 14 congressional offices to discuss critical matters including eliminating loan origination fees, retaining the Graduate PLUS Loan Program, preserving and improving the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, restoring the in-school loan interest subsidy for graduate students, and lowering interest rates on federal student loans for graduate students. "My colleagues and I were very encouraged with the reception we received on the Hill when we discussed the need to keep all the good and valuable loan repayment and forgiveness plans in place for current and future graduate students," said Mr. Sozzo.