Anthony M. Sozzo, M.S.Ed., M.A., Receives NASFAA Meritorious Achievement Award

The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) 2019 Meritorious Achievement Award is presented to an individual who has made either an important single contribution to NASFAA or the profession, or multiple significant contributions.

July 08, 2019
Justin Draeger, Anthony M. Sozzo, and Lori Vedder Headshot
Justin Draeger, Anthony M. Sozzo, M.S.Ed., M.A., and Lori Vedder

Anthony M. Sozzo, M.S.Ed., M.A., center, associate dean for student affairs and director of student financial planning and student activities, received the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) 2019 Meritorious Achievement Award, presented to an individual who has made either an important single contribution to NASFAA or the profession, or multiple significant contributions. He was honored at the NASFAA National Conference in Orlando, Florida, June 24 – 27, attended by nearly 2,300 student aid professionals from across the country. NASFAA is a nonprofit membership organization that represents more than 22,000 financial aid professionals at nearly 3,000 colleges, universities, and career schools across the United States.

Mr. Sozzo was recognized for his role as the founder and moderator of the MEDAID-L listserv and the longtime moderator of NASFAA’s Graduate/Professional listserv, where he shares financial aid industry news items and acts as a resource to the graduate/professional community on a daily basis. He has also served on numerous NASFAA committees and task forces. Most recently he served as graduate/professional caucus chair of the NASFAA. Mr. Sozzo was also chosen as a NASFAA MVP, Most Valuable Professional in 2013. 

“I am really quite honored to receive the NASFAA Meritorious Achievement Award. I am very proud of the work we collectively do for our colleagues and the millions of students every year and I am pleased to be part of it,” said Mr. Sozzo. “I have seen the evolution of NASFAA over the years as a model on how an association stays current with the times, stays in touch with its constituents and continues to thrive and not merely exist,” said Mr. Sozzo.

Mr. Sozzo finds time sharing his financial aid expertise and experience with NASFAA when he is not working with New York Medical College (NYMC) students and graduates make sound and educated financial choices as he has for the past 35 years. His work and dedication has earned him eight School of Medicine Student Senate Service Citations and Mentoring Awards, two yearbook co-dedications and the NYMC chapter of the American Medical Women’s Association “Gender Equity Award.”

Mr. Sozzo was presented the 2019 Meritorious Achievement Award by Justin Draeger, left, president and chief executive officer of NASFAA, and Lori Vedder, past national chair of NASFAA.