Chancellor Halperin Addresses NYMC Community at Town Hall Meeting

Edward C. Halperin, M.D., M.A., chancellor and chief executive officer, provided a State of the College update, followed by an audience Q&A at a Town Hall Meeting held in Nevins Auditorium on April 5

April 10, 2017

P2P Committee Recognizes Role Models at NYMC
InTouch 12-19-16

Edward C. Halperin, M.D., M.A., chancellor and chief executive officer, provided a State of the College update, followed by an audience Q&A at a Town Hall Meeting held in Nevins Auditorium on April 5. Dr. Halperin provided updates on a variety of academic and facilities topics, including news of the recently-signed Academic Affiliation Agreement with Westchester Medical Center, a 12-year agreement signed by the Boards of Trustees of both organizations. He also shared news that the College's bond rating has been steadily improving in recent years and is now the highest possible rating for a higher education institution. Among other facilities and administrative updates, Dr. Halperin told the audience that the transition to a new food service provider, Lessing's, had gone smoothly, and the College will be evaluating expanded food service options. He also stated that discussions were underway to extend the hours of the new Dr. Edward F. and Mrs. Anna M. Asprinio Fitness Center located at 19 Skyline Drive. View the Chancellor's Town Hall Meeting here.