Convocation of Thanks Offers Closure to Students and Families of Donors 

The 31st Annual Convocation of Thanks on May 10, provided students an opportunity to express thanks to the families of their first patients.

May 20, 2019
Woman Sitting by Piano Headshot
Convocation of Thanks
The 31st Annual Convocation of Thanks on May 10, provided members of the School of Medicine Class of 2022, the Speech-Language Pathology Class of 2020 and the Doctor of Physical Therapy Class of 2021, an opportunity to express thanks to those who donated their bodies and served as their first patients to teach them human anatomy. 
It also served as a memorial service and provided closure for the families and friends of the body donors. Students articulated their gratitude using music, song, poetry and prose. A tree was ceremoniously planted outside of the Medical Education Center in honor of the anatomical donors and after the ceremony, students met with the families and friends of the donors to learn more about the individuals who had already taught them so much.

SOM & SHSP Class of 2022 Convocation of Thanks