David Buchin, M.D., ’01

Changing lives and health for the better.

October 06, 2020
David Buchin, M.D., ’01 Headshot
David Buchin, M.D., ’01

David Buchin, M.D. ’01, began his journey to become a successful, Long Island-based surgeon more than 40 years ago and 6,000 miles away in Tashkent, the former U.S.S.R, when his family immigrated to New York in 1978. At that time, Dr. Buchan was just two years old. 

Dr. Buchin’s parents had both been engineers back in the U.S.S.R. In New York, his mother was able to get employment in her field and his father, who only spoke German and Yiddish, became a mechanic and then a cab driver. He credits his dad with giving him a passion for taking things apart and putting them back together.

“My dad always had an inclination to be tinkering with everything and as I grew up we worked on anything and everything mechanical in the house,” said Dr. Buchin. “In high school I took auto shop and loved it. I had a real ability for working on cars.”

His natural talent for mechanics led him to after-school and summer jobs at an auto repair shop, a job that he kept through most of his undergraduate education.

Dr. Buchin’s mother urged him to apply to the prestigious Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, a seven-year accelerated medical program of the CUNY Medical School at The City College of the City University of New York.

The program accepts only 75 students a year and after five years attending CUNY’s City College, Dr. Buchin went on to New York Medical College in Valhalla.

“When I first started in medical school I knew that I wanted to become a surgeon,” he said.  “It was actually a very exciting time to be in medical school because surgery was really changing from ‘old school’ surgery to the newer laparoscopic techniques we use today,” Dr. Buchin remembers. “I trained at the best time. I trained under Surgery Department Chair Dr. Louis DelGuercio, a magnificent surgeon, and Professor of Surgery Dr. John Savino. I learned so much from them during my time at New York Medical College.”

After earning his medical degree from New York Medical College, he completed his surgical residency at North Shore LIJ Health System. He went on to complete one of the top Minimally Invasive Surgery and Bariatric Surgery fellowships in the country at Westchester Medical Center.

“I find it very satisfying to see how people can significantly change their lives and health for the better when they lose weight. I enjoy following their progress,” he said.

Dr. Buchin founded the bariatric program at Huntington Hospital, part of the North Shore LIJ Health System, and in 2012, it earned the Designation as a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS). Due to his commitment to surgical excellence, quality of care and patient safety, the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) continually recognizes and categorizes the Bariatric Program at Huntington Hospital as exemplary.

Dr. Buchin underwent the vigorous process of surgeon verification as part of the national designation accreditation process and is the only MBSAQIP verified surgeon at Huntington Hospital.

During the recent COVID-19 pandemic break from elective surgery, Dr. Buchin devoted his time to educating residents on Long Island about the link between obesity and the higher risk for a negative outcome when contracting COVID-19.