Department of Family and Community Medicine Hosts Seventh Annual Research Day

The Department of Family and Community Medicine hosted its Seventh Annual Research Day on May 8 to showcase the work that students, residents, fellows and faculty performed in clinics, hospitals and community-based organizations that are relevant to the primary health care of individuals.

May 13, 2019
Group headshot for Family and Community Medicine Research Day 2019
Group headshot for Family and Community Medicine Research Day 2019

Lori Solomon, M.D. '99, M.P.H. '09, right, chair and assistant professor of family and community medicine, welcomed the audience to the event that featured more than 25 poster presentations and a keynote address by David Anthony, M.D., M.Sc., center, associate professor of family medicine and director of predoctorate education at Brown University Alpert Medical School.

Dr. Anthony presented “Research Clinical Pearls,” sharing his top ten list of tips for performing and publishing research. Later in the day he presented medical education grand rounds “Should You Answer Your Own Questions? Yes!” Dr. Anthony teaches in the family medicine clerkship and serves as course director for the family medicine elective and faculty advisor to the Family Medicine Interest Group at Brown. As a researcher, he and his colleagues have received funding from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for a randomized trial of the effect of the re-engineered discharge on hospital utilization and adverse events. He is currently researching novel methods for diagnosing and prognosticating diabetes.

Drs. Solomon and Anthony took a moment to observe the work of Lauren Farmer, School of Medicine Class of 2020, who presented “The Status of Medical Student Education in Pregnancy Options Counseling: A Review.”

Family and Community Medicine Research Day