Department of Physical Therapy Hosts 15th Annual Doctoral Project Presentation Day

Forty-four future doctors of physical therapy took to the podium to present their projects at the 15th Annual Doctoral Project Presentation Day on April 18.

April 29, 2019
Doctoral Class of 2019 Groupshot
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Doctoral Class of 2019
Students shared their findings in the areas of clinical research, education or public health service, with an audience of their peers, mentors, faculty and administration. This year's projects addressed a wide assortment of topics such as an educational program on running for police recruits, cultural competency, genomics in the physical therapy curriculum and the incidence of pressure ulcers for patients with spinal cord injury in Bangladesh, among others. The keynote presentation was given by Irene Davis, Ph.D., P.T., FACSM, FAPTA, FASB, professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School and director of the Spaulding National Running Center.


Dr. Davis presented “The Foot Core: Let’s Think Differently About the Foot!” Her research focuses on the relationship between lower extremity structure, mechanics and injury. Her interest in injury mechanics extends to the development of interventions to alter these mechanics through gait retraining and the mechanics of barefoot running and its effect on injury rates.

P.T. Class of 2019 Doctoral Presentations

Effect of an Educational Prevention Program on the Knowledge and Awareness of Running in Police Recruits

Samantha Fanelli, Jasmin Folch, Shenè Hill, Christina O’Connor, Samuel O’Keefe and Adam Schayek
Faculty Advisor: Kristina M. Welsome, M.S.P.T., D.P.T, OCS, assistant professor of physical therapy

Expanding the Integration of Cultural Competency Within a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program

Victor Gondar, Eric Pecoraro and Evan Stein
Faculty Advisor: Gale J. Lavinder, P.T., Ed.D., assistant professor of physical therapy

Rehabilitation for Older Adults with Arthritis: Access, Barriers and Outcomes

Victoria Colon, John Detienne, Claire Duffy, Olivia Fiscaletti, Shayna Ginsburg and Jessica Otchy
Faculty Advisor: Janet P. Dolot, M.S., D.P.T., Dr.P.H. ’14, PT, OCS, assistant professor of physical therapy

Genomics in the D.P.T. Curriculum: First Year Fall Semester Modifications to Enhance Competency in Genomic Concepts

Steven Paulus, Rebecca Sachs and Gemma Striker
Faculty Advisor: Catherine Curtis, P.T., Ed.D., assistant professor of physical therapy

Factors Associated with the Incidence of Pressure Ulcers for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury in Bangladesh

Sebastian Aksamit, Dale Hua, Tessa Merritt, Deanna Utter and Sinjin Wightman 
Faculty Advisor: Michael J. Majsak, P.T., Ed.D., chair and associate professor of physical therapy

Peer Teaching Strategies for First Year D.P.T. Students Learning Neurologic Examination and Evaluation

Kenesha Brown, Paige Forsthoff, Danielle Van Kluyve and Kelly Winans
Faculty Advisor: Michael J. Majsak, P.T., Ed.D., chair and associate professor of physical therapy

Demographics, Motivations, and Benefits, of Athletes with Disabilities Participating in Road Racing

Maureen Anders, Rebecca Colombie, Elizabeth Czigler, Matthew Fedorchak and Christine Myers
Faculty Advisor: Michael J. Majsak, P.T., Ed.D., chair and associate professor of physical therapy                        

Preliminary Study of a Movement-Based Injury Screening Tool for Adolescent Rowers

Kristina Bilanova, Benjamin Hylka, Janis Konkle, Stephanie Savino, Michael Taurone and Tyler Van Benschoten
Faculty Advisors: Kristina M. Welsome, M.S.P.T., D.P.T, OCS, assistant professor of physical therapy and Brittany Antin, P.T., D.P.T., clinical instructor of physical therapy            

Comparison of Balance Testing Between Typically Developing Persons and Persons with Autism

Moonki Baik, Julianne Battista, Adrian Flanigan, Jennifer Lee, Alison O’Connell, Emma Shollar
Faculty Advisor: Susan L. Ronan, P.T., D.P.T., M.A., PCS, assistant professor of physical therapy


15th Annual Doctoral Project Presentation Day