Department of Surgery Hosts Sixteenth Annual Louis R.M. Del Guercio, M.D., Distinguished Visiting Professorship and Research Day

The Sixteenth Annual Louis R.M. Del Guercio Distinguished Visiting Professorship and Research Day on December 18, was a success on all fronts.

January 13, 2020
Del Guercio and others in group headshot
SOM, Research, Surgery, Medicine, Medical Education, NYMC,

The Sixteenth Annual Louis R.M. Del Guercio Distinguished Visiting Professorship and Research Day on December 18, was a success on all fronts: an increase in abstract submissions including a 47 percent increase by students, an increase in attendance, up 27.6 percent, and a stimulating keynote speech by Michal Laniado Schwartzman, Ph.D., second from right, professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacology. Read the proceedings of the day. 

Dr. Schwartzman, internationally recognized for her research on the role of lipid autacoids in the regulation of vascular function, inflammation and metabolism in the areas of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, presented "The Road to Discovery: GPR75 - A Novel Therapeutic Target for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases." 

Sixteenth Annual Louis R.M. Del Guercio, M.D., Distinguished Visiting Professorship and Research Day Awards

Basic Science:

Kelvin Zheng, MS2
Possible Prophylactic Effect Of Poria Mushroom Extract On Chemically-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease In Vitro And In Vivo

Danielle Quinn, MS3
Human Multipotent Adult Stem Cells Regenerate Tissue In Rats

Anubhav Amin, M.D., PGY7
Tumor Suppressor P53 Status May Define Novel Therapeutic Response In Medulloblastoma Treatment


James Choi, M.D., PGY3
Which Bmi Is Protective In Blunt Trauma? The Answer: Not Too Skinny, Not Too Obese

Shekhar Gogna, M.D., PGY3
Early Versus Delayed Complex Abdominal Wall Reconstruction With Biologic Mesh Following Damage Control Surgery

Faisal Jehan, M.D., PGY2
Massive Transfusion Protocol With Early Administration Of Platelet And Fresh-Frozen Plasma Along With Packed Red Cells In The Initial Phase Of Resuscitation Is Associated With Improved Outcomes


Faisal Jehan, M.D., PGY2
Readmissions After Blunt Mild Traumatic Brain Injury In Geriatric Patients: Is Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Really Mild?

Muhammad Khan, M.D., PGY2
Early Tracheostomy In Patients With Cervical Spine Injuries Reduces Morbidity And Improves Resource Utilization

Oluwadara Nnoli, MS4
Intra Operative Radiation Therapy (Iort): A Futuristic Tool In Management Of Early Breast Cancer

16th Annual Dr. Louis R.M. Del Guercio Professorship & Research Day

Photo from left: ‌Rifat Latifi, M.D., FACS, FICS, professor and chairman of the Department of Surgery; Jerry L. Nadler, M.D., MACP, FAHA, FACE, dean of the School of Medicine and professor of medicine and pharmacology; Michal Laniado Schwartzman, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacology; and John A. Savino, M.D., professor of surgery and former chair of the Department of Surgery.