Donate Life Club Set to Surpass Donation Goal After Another Successful Drive

The Donate Life Club Has Seen Tremendous Turn Out by the NYMC Community Throughout the Academic Year

February 14, 2022
Students donate their time and blood during the NYMC blood drive

The New York Medical College (NYMC) Donate Life Club looks set to fly past their goal of 200 donations for the academic year after yet another successful blood drive on February 10, which comes during a time of great need of blood throughout New York State.

Students took time out of their schedules to gather in the Willner Atrium Lobby in the Medical Education Center to donate, once again providing a large turnout for the drive. The drive collected 61 donations which will help save the lives of more than 150 patients in local area hospitals, according to Caroline Bredthauer, School of Medicine (SOM) Class of 2025, and co-president in-training of the Donate Life Club.

The club has collected 194 donations since the beginning of the academic year, only six donations short of their goal of 200 with two more drives planned before the end of the year. “If the community keeps turning out like they have been, we might even reach 300 donations. We're really excited and proud of the NYMC community for donating at every drive,” Ms. Bredthauer said.

The blood drives have seen a stellar turn out by NYMC students this year, with the past two drives each breaking the previous record for donations in one day. The drives, done in partnership with New York Blood Center, continue to provide red blood cells, platelets and plasma to patients in need.

“Even in the midst of studying, classes, exams and rotations, the students, staff and faculty volunteered their time to provide blood donations during this critical shortage,” said Richard Wang, SOM Class of 2025, co-president in-training of the club. “It is moments like these that I am reminded of how proud I am to be an NYMC student.”