Donate Life Club Hosts Successful Blood Drive with Record Turnout

The NYMC Community Came Together to Donate Blood During the Holiday Season Amid a Blood Shortage

December 20, 2021
Saam Foroshani, SOM Class of 2025, at the NYMC Blood Drive

The December drive collected 68 total donations, two more than collected in October, and the highest total donation count since 2017, according to Sarah Solomon, School of Medicine (SOM) Class of 2024 and co-president of Donate Life Club. The donations will reach more than 200 patients in area hospitals, which will provide relief for those who may need blood or are plasma-deficient during the holiday season amid a severe shortage.

“It was wonderful to see the NYMC community step up once again in a time of need. These donations are more critical than ever due to the ongoing emergency blood shortage in New York,” said Madison Weiss, SOM Class of 2024, co-president of the Donate Life Club.

“It feels good to be able to give back during this time of year to someone who may be in be in need,” said Saam Foroshani, SOM Class of 2025.

The sign-up sheet was near capacity heading into the blood drive, according to Weiss—a testament to the eagerness of the NYMC community to give back.

The Donate Life Club has seen a dramatic uptick in donations since the previous academic year, in which the COVID-19 pandemic hampered donation efforts. The first two drives of the 2021-2022 academic year have each shattered the previous record of 55 donations in a single drive.