Donate Life Clubs Finishes Exceptional Year With Record-Breaking Donations

The Club Collected More Than 250 Donations This Academic Year, Directly Impacting Hundreds Of Patients In Area Hospitals

June 20, 2022
Blood Drive

The New York Medical College (NYMC) Donate Life Club finished the 2021-2022 academic year strong with their final blood drive on June 2. The final cumulative count was a record 256 donations. The donations, which all came during a blood shortage in New York, reached approximately 650 patients in area hospitals in a time of great need.

It was an extraordinarily successful year for the club, which partners with the New York Blood Center to collect the donations, with high turnout throughout the year—averaging 51 donations over five drives. Members of the School of Medicine (SOM) Class of 2024 Sarah Solomon and Madison Weiss, who are co-presidents of the Donate Life Club, worked tirelessly to spearhead the record-breaking effort in the midst of exams and the COVID-19 pandemic’s lingering effects on campus operations.

"As co-presidents this year, Madison and I really enjoyed working with the students and faculty at NYMC to gather a record number of donations from our school. I look forward to seeing the future co-presidents, Richard Wang, and Caroline Bredthauer [SOM Class of 2025] work with our community to go even further next year,” Ms. Solomon said.

The blood drives had a substantial impact on the Westchester community and beyond, as the donations provided essential red blood cells, plasma and platelets to patients who needed them, as New York along with the nation continue to navigate through a blood shortage.

"I am so proud of the NYMC community for a grand total of 256 blood donations for the school year. I hope that we continue to have such an incredible turnout at future drives, so we can continue to make a positive impact on our community. Next year’s goal is 300 donations," Ms. Bredthauer said.

Members of the Donate Life Club from left: Sara Rubino, SOM Class of 2024, treasurer; Sarah Solomon, SOM Class of 2024, co-president; Caroline Bredthauer, SOM Class of 2025, Blood Center liaison; and Richard Wang, SOM Class of 2025, medical school liaison.