Dr. Pamela Ludmer Appointed Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education

The School of Medicine Also Designates Pamela Ludmer, M.D., M.S., as the Faculty Lead for the Liaison Committee on Medical Education

October 16, 2023
Dr. Ludmer wearing a black dress shirt and suit jacket smiling in front of a gray background.
Pamela Ludmer, M.D., M.S.

Pamela Ludmer, M.D., M.M.E.L., associate dean for curriculum integration and clinical assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine, will serve as the School of Medicine (SOM) dean for undergraduate medical education and faculty lead for the SOM’s accreditation by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME).

As dean, Dr. Ludmer will be responsible for collaborating with the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education in the planning, implementation, evaluation and oversight to of the curriculum.  She will also be heading the SOM in ensuring that the medical education program meets the established standards by the LCME accreditation peer-reviewed process as faculty lead.

Dr. Ludmer joined the NYMC community in 2012 as director of the fourth-year curriculum and was promoted to her current position as associate dean in 2019. Since her appointment to the faculty, Dr. Ludmer has distinguished herself as a leader and a role model. As chair of the Steering Committee on Curricular Redesign, she played and continues to play an integral role in the development of the new SOM medical education curriculum, which was launched last fall. Dr. Ludmer is also responsible for the creation of the fourth-year Specialty Track curriculum, the Transition to Fourth Year program and the new required curriculum in Health Systems Sciences. For her work on the curriculum, Dr. Ludmer was recognized with the SOM Dean’s Award for Excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in 2022.

Decorated with numerous awards, Dr. Ludmer was also the recipient of the curriculum innovation award from NYMC in 2013 for her development of novel online courses in emergency medicine and critical care and received multiple Excellence in Teaching and Mentorship Awards and Student Senate Appreciation Awards. In 2018, she was a nominee for the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) Gender Equity Award. At AMWA, she also co-created and serves as associate program director for the ELEVATE Leadership Certification Program for Women Physicians and is co-chair of the AMWA Coaching Committee.

"I am thrilled to be taking on these responsibilities in the SOM and to look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with all wonderful members of the NYMC SOM community,” said Dr. Ludmer. “Together, we will ensure the delivery of an outstanding curriculum that will graduate exceptional, self-directed and compassionate physician leaders dedicated to the health and wellness of all people and communities."