NYMC Commences Energy Performance Project

GreenNYMC Initiative Promotes Sustainability and Environmental Protection

March 01, 2021
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New York Medical College (NYMC) has embarked on a 14-month long campus-wide energy performance project as part of its ongoing GreenNYMC initiative to promote sustainability and environmental protection. The project, expected to be completed in early 2022, is in partnership with Constellation, a subsidiary of Exelon and a retail supplier of power, natural gas and energy products and services for homes and businesses across the United States. The project is expected to reduce nearly 4,000 metric tons in carbon emissions annually, the greenhouse gas equivalent of removing more than 850 cars from the road in one year according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates.

After an extensive energy audit and survey of the NYMC campus by Constellation, an energy services agreement was reached to reduce utility expenditures and operating costs. The project is expected to save NYMC $800,000 in energy costs in the first year, with continued annual savings in energy and water costs as well as reduced maintenance costs, deferred maintenance and improved overall operations and comfort throughout the Valhalla campus over the course of a 19-year energy performance contract.

The project will impact every building on the Valhalla campus including student housing. Interruptions to normal operations will be minimal and will be communicated in advance to the NYMC community by the Facilities Department.

The phases of the project include: interior and exterior lighting upgrades to high-efficient LED; energy management implementation; building envelope improvements including insulation and weather-stripping; steam heating improvements; installation of low flow devices on sinks, toilets and showers to reduce consumption; boiler plant replacement; laboratory reconfiguration in the Basic Sciences Building including fume hood replacements; electric power transformer replacement; mechanical insulation of steam and hot water pipes and valves; and sterilizer and autoclave water conservation.

“We are excited to partner with Constellation on this transformative project. The initiative will provide NYMC with state-of-the-art core research space and cutting-edge infrastructure upgrades while supporting NYMC’s high standard for environmental stewardship,” said Sarah Cottet, executive director of facilities management and capital planning, NYMC.

The project will be partially financed through a $1.3 million grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)’s Energy to Lead Competition as well as more than $2 million in Consolidated Edison incentives.

“We’re pleased to work with NYMC to develop and implement customized energy solutions that will enable the college to reduce its carbon footprint and manage its energy spend,” said John Wardle, vice president of energy efficiency at Constellation. “In addition to helping the college achieve its sustainability goals, we are excited for NYMC students, faculty, staff and researchers, to experience the benefits of redesigned lab space.”