Department of Family and Community Medicine Hosts Fifth Annual Research Day

The Department of Family and Community Medicine hosted its Fifth Annual Research Day on May 10 in the Skyline dining room to showcase the research of students, residents and faculty.

May 22, 2017

The Department of Family and Community Medicine hosted its Fifth Annual Research Day on May 10 in the Skyline dining room to showcase the research of students, residents and faculty. Sonia A. Velez, M.D., J.D., assistant professor of family and community medicine and interim chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine, welcomed the audience, noting the increasing focus on research in family medicine and prevention and population health across the nation. She also welcomed the day's keynote speaker Neil S. Calman, M.D., professor and system chair and The Alfred and Gail Engelberg Department of Family Medicine and Community Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the Mount Sinai Health System. He is also the chief executive officer and co-founder of The Institute for Family Health. Dr. Calman shared his vast research experiences and the challenges of conducting research in family medicine which requires different methods than traditional research and must focus on the patient outcome.

Abstract Awards


InTouch 5-15-17  
Edgwood Warner, School of Medicine Class of 2018 
"Assessement of Screening and Treatment for Osteoporosis and Osteopenia in Women of Advanced Age"


InTouch 5-15-17  
Grace H. Lee, M.D., PGY-3 resident in the Hoboken University Medical Center 
"The Association of Diabetic Health Literacy, Self-Care and Glycemic Control in Adults with Type II Diabetes at the Neighborhood Health Center (NHC)" 
InTouch 5-15-17  
Anuja Joshi, M.D., PGY-3 resident in the Hoboken University Medical Center 
"Can Educating Patients and Staff Regarding the Flu Vaccine Improve Vaccination Rates at the Neighborhood Health Center (NHC)?"