Giving Tuesday Raises Money

Funds Will Be Used to Purchase SimMom And SimNewB Manikins for Competency-Based Clinical Skills Training

December 05, 2022
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The NYMC spirit of giving on Giving Tuesday on November 29 resulted in donations of nearly $70,000 which is earmarked to expand the depth and breadth of programming at the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center. It was the most successful Giving Tuesday at NYMC since its inception in 2012. This year matching funds were graciously contributed by alumnus Ronald P. Gregoire, M.D. ’74, and the NYMC Board of Advisors. 

Donations from Giving Tuesday will be used to support the purchase of SimMom, an adult-sized manikin designed to realistically simulate all stages of labor, from antepartum to postpartum, and SimNewB, a newborn tetherless simulator co-created with the American Academy of Pediatrics, designed to help improve neonatal resuscitation. These innovative manikins will help to support advanced skills training for medical students and residents in the areas of obstetrics and pediatrics. By introducing early skills training with manikin-based simulation, NYMC is supporting competency development in interprofessional teamwork and patient safety, ultimately helping to optimize patient outcomes.

“Thanks to the generous support of our alumni and donors, we can provide funds for the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center for the purchase of SimMom and SimNewB. These tools, when introduced to students in the safe, interactive training environment on our campus, allow us to be leaders in training the skilled, compassionate healthcare professionals of tomorrow,” said Bess J. Chazhur, M.S., chief development officer and executive director of alumni relations. “We are grateful to all the donors for their support and the impact it will have on medical education and health care in the future.”

Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a day to encourage people to do good and has grown into a global movement of giving, collaborating and celebrating generosity.

Click here to support the expansion of the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center.