Governor Cuomo Hosts Daily Briefing at NYMC 

The Center for Disaster Medicine at New York Medical College hosted New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo's daily press briefing on June 9.

June 15, 2020
Governor Cuomo headshot
Governor Cuomo at NYMC on June 9, 2020

The lunchtime update occurred as we hit 101 days since the New York State’s first positive case of COVID-19. It was also Day 16 of civic unrest since the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo reflected on the current situation saying it is not just a moment for political protest, it is time for real reform.

New York will be a leader in passing aggressive reforms according to Governor Cuomo who shared the new justice agenda that will address education equity, child poverty, affordable housing and criminal justice reform. He also spoke on the different phases of the re-opening of New York and warned about the possibility of new spikes in cases of COVID-19. Governor Cuomo also announced a new daily testing results dashboard displaying a county breakdown of new positive COVID-19 cases. “We need to be as smart and as diligent as we were up until today, going forward,” he said.

“The Governor’s call to concerted action strikes a familiar theme at New York Medical College, where since the 1860s we have stood for teaching progressive egalitarian values as well as knowledge in medical science and practice,” said Robert Amler, M.D., M.B.A., dean of the School of Health Sciences and Practice and vice president for government affairs. “Our NYSTAR Center for Disaster Medicine is working overtime, during the current pandemic, to help New Yorkers prevent infection and stay safe.”

“We were honored to have Governor Cuomo join us again,” said Alan Kadish, M.D., president, New York Medical College and Touro College and University System. “We are encouraged by the downward trend of coronavirus cases and have been proud to play our part in responding to the health crisis by helping to educate New Yorkers on safe practices and proper procedures. We applaud the Governor’s outstanding leadership during this unprecedented crisis and in the wake of the tensions that have followed the tragic death of George Floyd. Touro looks forward to our continued partnership with New York State as we remain committed to modeling tolerance, justice and compassion with messages of peace and understanding for all.”

Governor Cuomo Holds Briefing at NYMC Center for Disaster Medicine