GSA Adapts to a New Normal

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) in the Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences (GSBMS), with its new slate of officers, is reinventing itself for the 2020-2021 academic year.

October 12, 2020
GSA Members within a Zoom Meeting Screenshot of Participants 
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GSA Members on Zoom

The GSA will continue to provide a full program of activities that includes student advocacy, community service, lectures by noted visiting scientists, social activities and student assistance, albeit virtually. “Our goal for this year is to expand the amount of active students in the GSA, although this quickly became a challenge with everything being online,” explained Harry Haran, president of the GSA and an M.S. student in basic medical sciences.

But the GSA is succeeding. “We have seen an increase in the number of students who want to participate in our weekly meetings and continue to encourage all GSBMS students to participate,” said Mr. Haran. “It's hard to make New York Medical College feel like home when you are not on campus, but we are trying our best to make students feel welcome.” 

The GSA has hosted online mixers and is currently working on planning additional online events including a Virtual GSA 5K, with proceeds to be donated to a local food bank, according to Mr. Haran.

The GSA will also continue their traditions of hosting the Snowman Project, a school-wide holiday gift drive for Sheltering Arms, an organization that works to strengthen the education, well-being and development of vulnerable children, youth and families across the New York metropolitan area as well as their hallmark springtime event, the Graduate Student Research Forum, now in its thirty-third year.

Meet the 2020-2021 GSA Officers  

Top row from left:

Jodie Renaud, secretary  

Harry Haran, president

Jillian Evalle, vice president 

Middle row from left:

Jessica Adams, vice chair of the Graduate Student Research Forum

Matthew Brandenburg, treasurer   

Oshoname Olorife, chair of the Graduate Student Research Forum

Bottom row:

Caitlin Gaudio, chair of community building