SOM Offers High School Students Hands-On Look at Medicine

More than 450 high school students passed through the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center during July and August

August 08, 2016

More than 450 high school students passed through the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center during July and August to learn about airway management, knot tying and suturing, and the cardio-pulmonary system using Sim Man 3G. The students were participating in the week-long Envision National Youth Leadership Forum in Medicine, an experiential education organization dedicated to enabling students to explore their interests and gain critical learning experiences beyond the classroom. Katharine Yamulla, director of the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center, organized the visits and developed the curriculum, which was executed by volunteer medical students, residents and faculty. "We are one of only 13 simulation centers in the nation utilized in their program. This is a wonderful way to showcase our school and facilities to high school students from around the country," she said. View the photo gallery here.