HSL Hosts Special Exhibition and Presentation

"For All the People: A Century of Citizen Action in Health Care Reform"

December 10, 2018
Marie T. Ascher, M.S., M.P.H., Adam E. Block, Ph.D.

The Health Sciences Library (HSL) hosted a special presentation on December 6, in conjunction with the exhibit, "For All the People: A Century of Citizen Action in Health Care Reform," currently on display in the 19 Skyline Drive lobby. 

Marie T. Ascher, M.S., M.P.H., right, the Lillian Hetrick Huber Endowed Director, welcomed speaker Adam E. Block, Ph.D., assistant professor of public health in the Division of Health Policy and Management, who provoked the audience with the title of his presentation, "Dirty Secrets of U.S. Health Reform." The exhibit, created by the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, tells the lesser-known story of how movements of ordinary citizens helped shape the changing American health care system. You can view the exhibit through December 17, in the 19 Skyline Drive lobby and from December 18 to January 6, in the Hales lobby in the Basic Sciences Building.