HSL Hosts Workshops on How to Get Scholarly Articles Published

Students and Faculty Took A Deeper Look Into the Process of Getting A Scholarly Article Published

April 26, 2021
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New York Medical College students and faculty took a deeper look into the process of getting a scholarly article published at a two-part virtual series, “How to Get Published” on April 12 and April 19 hosted by the Health Sciences Library. David Parsons, of Elsevier Publishing, offered a comprehensive look at the basics of scholarly publishing discussing topics such as making sure a publisher is credible to finding different ways to promote an article.

Mr. Parsons encouraged participants to find the right journal for one’s work and stressed the importance of identifying a journal’s scope, audience and types of articles it has published in the past. He also warned participants to keep an eye out for predatory publishers who primarily operate as money-operations that do not peer review the material they publish. Mr. Parsons encouraged those who submit articles for peer review to be prepared to have it rejected initially. “Take advantage of the reviewer’s comments and revise accordingly,” he said.

He also advised to keep any rebuttals to any edits polite, as to not burn bridges with reviewers of an academic journal. Mr. Parsons also noted that that while one is in the process of trying to get a paper published that it is a good idea to promote it across social and academic channels—pointing to social media and ensuring best practices for web search engine optimization.

“It’s increasingly important for you to find ways to make your article stand out,” Mr. Parsons said. “You need to be your own best advocate.”