NYMC Raises More than $5,000 for Victims of the Israeli-Hamas Conflict

Healing Concert and Bake Sale Raise Spirits and Funds for Relief Efforts

November 21, 2023
A group of students wearing formal attire in front of a piano
Student performers at the classical music concert on November 2.

The New York Medical College (NYMC) community raised more than $5,000 and in-kind donatons through fundraising efforts led by Ariel Yusupov, fourth from left, SOM Class of 2026, for the victims of the Israeli-Hamas conflict. A classical music concert was also performed to promote healing for those affected since the Hamas attacks on Israelis on October 7, 2023. To offer support, the community donated to three organizations that are on the front lines providing essential medical care to victims of terror in Israel and war-torn areas, Magen David Adom, United Hatzalah of Israel and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

As president of the student club, Music as Medicine, Yusupov helped organize the music concert on November 2 in the Café. Dozens of attendees, including leadership, faculty, staff and students, joined together to enjoy numerous student performances from the classical works of Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Beethoven and other composers.
“This evening of music united the NYMC campus and provided a moment of solace out of great pain and suffering. I am proud of our students for their concern and caring for the well-being of others,” said Rabbi Moshe D. Krupka, executive vice president and university ombudsman of Touro University. 
"It was my pleasure getting to connect with each person in the room through music,” said Hayoung Lee, SOM Class of 2027, a classical guitarist who performed in the concert. “I hope that I was able to help provide some respite to our community. Thank you to everyone who made the event possible."
Baked goods made by Lila Kagedan M.Ed., assistant professor of medicine and director of medical ethics and humanities; Shoshana Devor, SOM Class of 2026; and Devora Loike-Weinstein, SOM Class of 2026, were sold alongside the concert as part of a fundraiser bake sale—a delicious success, raising more than $600 that was donated to the three organizations. The total fundraised by the community exceeded $5,000 for the three organizations in addition to multiple boxes of in-kind medical supply donations.
"Throughout the evening, people at NYMC let us know that they grieve with us, condemn the atrocities and want to help,” said Loike-Weinstein. “I met so many wonderful students and faculty from different backgrounds who were incredibly supportive. Speaking with all of them and enjoying the beautiful music, made it a great evening of community and harmony.”

“I am very grateful for the support of the school administration in organizing these efforts,” said Yusupov. “Classical music has been the bridge between grief and healing for many instances in my life. I sincerely hope our fundraiser and concert made a difference for the victims and our community.”
“In my many years at the College, I’ve witnessed how our students always come together and focus on the healing of those in need,” said Anthony M. Sozzo, M.A., M.S.Ed., associate dean for student affairs and director of student financial planning and student activities. “Our students have always shown their dedication to helping others inside and outside the classroom.”
Performers at the Classical Music Concert
Ballade No. 1 In G minor, Op 23 by F. Chopin
Pianist: Ariel Yusupov, SOM Class of 2026
Meditations, from “Thais” by J. Massenet
Violinist: Donggyoon Hong, SOM Class of 2027
Prelude No. 2in C# Minor, Op 3 by S. Rachmaninoff
Liebestraum (Love Dream) No. 3, S. 541 by F. Liszt
Pianist: Aryan Malhotra, SOM Class of 2027
Le Cygne (“The Swan”) by C. Saint-Saëns
Largo Espressivo by G. Pugnani
Violinist: Eliana Felder, SOM Class of 2026
Pianist: Wenzhi Tseng, SOM Class of 2027
Romance De Amor (Anonymous)
Variations on a Theme by Scriabin by A. Tansman
Guitarist: Hayoung Lee, SOM Class of 2027
Abendempfindung by W. A Mozart
Vocalist: Eliza Sherman-Daniels, SOM Class of 2027
Sonata “Pathetique”, Op. 13 by L. v. Beethoven
Pianist: Samuel Szych, SOM Class of 2027