Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences News
STAR Alum is in Top 300 Scholars in the Regeneron Science Talent Search 2020
Sophie Vernik, an alumna of STAR Program in the GSBMS, is in the top 300 scholars in the Regeneron Science Talent Search 2020.
NYMC Honored at “Westchester Doctors of Distinction”
Westfair Communications Inc., held its sixth annual Westchester Doctors of Distinction event on September 24 at the Surf Club on the Sound in New Rochelle, New York, to honor those who have had an influential impact on health care or medical science in Westchester County.
NYMC Welcomes AMSNY to Campus
SOM Dean Nadler welcomes leadership from Associated Medical Schools of New York (AMSNY)
Dr. O'Connell, Scientist Working in the Field of Cancer Drug Discovery
Timmy O’Connell, Ph.D. ’18, Engineers a Personalized Cancer Medicine Platform to Treat Cancer Patients
Jessica Rakonza, M.S. '18, M.D. '18, GSBMS Accelerated Master’s Program
Dr. Rakonza provides insights into what she loved most about her experience as an AMP student
Jessica Rakonza, M.S. '18, M.D. '18, GSBMS Accelerated Master’s Program
Dr. Rakonza provides insights into what she loved most about her experience as an AMP student
Accelerated Master's Program Helps Student Achieve Goal of Working as Physician Back in Home State
Jessica Ramona, M.S. ’18, made the decision to apply to the Accelerated Master's Program at NYMC and ultimately lands choice residency at Virginia Mason Medical Center in WA
Dr. Odermann Credits GSBMS Faculty for Making Him the Physician He is Today
Aaron Odermann, M.D., M.S. ‘17, Reflects on His Experience in the Accelerated Master's Program and the Guidance of the GSBMS Faculty