Lauren M. Lang, LCSW, brings extensive, diverse experience to the SMHW

Ms. Lang Will Use Her Multifaceted Experience as a Mental Health Professional to Provide Support Services to NYMC Students

March 07, 2022
Lauren M. Lang, LCSW

Lauren M. Lang, LCSW, who has more than a decade of experience as a mental health professional, has joined New York Medical College’s (NYMC) Office of Student Mental Health and Wellness (SMHW) as a licensed clinical social worker. A New York native, she earned a master’s degree in social work at Adelphi University and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Social Work at Capella University. Ms. Lang’s experience includes working with patients of all ages, first responders and conducting forensic psychotherapy.

What initially inspired you to study social work? What have been your motivating factors?

Social work was not my first passion in life. I grew up professionally singing opera since the age of 14. I was a student at the Hartt School of Music while actively performing in New York City and Italy. I grew up with the guidance of a very altruistic family who taught me the qualities of what humanity stood for. During my earlier college years, I experienced adversity with people close to me and began taking human behavior courses, where I had a professor who was very proud of her services as a social worker. This professor influenced me to change my focus to social work and I have never once regretted my decision.

Human behavior is interesting as it constantly changes and evolves as the world progresses. It is motivating that my profession enables me always to be educated and challenged. It is important that the service I am providing is from a model that has worked through evidence-based research, demonstrating success in helping people grow through their hardships within themselves.

What has been most rewarding about being a social worker?

There are so many rewarding aspects to being a social worker. I can break this down into three areas. The first would be the initial connectivity I make with a client. I see that trust has been established and the client has begun to start their initial process to change. The second would be the stage of action when I see my client is progressing and things begin to click. I can see a difference in how they respond to challenges, relationships and, most importantly, how they respond to themselves. The third is maintenance when I begin to discharge the client. It is rewarding to see the client utilize the skills they learned to put into practice. My role as a social worker is not to tell the client what to do but rather inspire them to understand and use their areas of strength.

What are you looking forward to the most about working with NYMC students?

My philosophy with social work is to educate while being educated. I am looking forward to learning from the students and having them teach me what it is like to be them. I believe everyone approaches hardship and challenge differently and the best way for me to be a member of their support team is for them to teach me about their experiences.

What would be one thing you would want NYMC students to know about you or how you work?

My office is a safe space that promotes a non-judgmental environment to encourage growth and vulnerability. Therapy is not a short fix, it is a self-care process that involves practice and commitment. My goal is to help the student make positive incremental, sustainable changes to have the tools to continue growing into the best version of themselves.

When you’re not working, what are some of your interests?

I have many interests that I like to partake in. I love the New York Yankees, Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres—I am a big sports fanatic. When I am not watching sports, I play with my six animals—two dogs, two cats, two birds. I am a big foodie and love to try new restaurants. I have even traveled different countries to experience their culture and cuisine. I am passionate about theater and love to attend Broadway shows and the Metropolitan Opera.