Lectureship Honors the Late Gabor Kaley, Ph.D.

The Sixth Annual Drs. Gabor and Harriette Kaley Endowed Lecture on April 11 welcomed visiting lecturer, Kim Andrea Dora, M.A., Ph.D.

April 22, 2019
Endowed Lecture Group Headshot
Sixth Annual Drs. Gabor and Harriette Kaley Endowed Lecture

The Sixth Annual Drs. Gabor and Harriette Kaley Endowed Lecture on April 11 welcomed visiting lecturer, Kim Andrea Dora, M.A., Ph.D., third from right, professor of microvascular pharmacology, University of Oxford and fellow in physiological sciences, Worcester College in the United Kingdom. Dr. Dora’s research interests focus on cell-cell communication in resistance arteries, predominantly focusing on signaling pathways within the endothelium, using sophisticated and novel techniques to monitor rapid changes in intracellular Ca2+ and how they link to the activation of dilator pathways.

Dr. Dora presented “Myoendothlelial Signaling or How Microvascular Smooth Muscle Controls Itself Using Endothelial Cells.” The Kaley lectureship is endowed by the family of late faculty member, Gabor Kaley, Ph.D., who served as chairman of the Department of Physiology for 37 years, holding the distinction of being the longest sitting chair of a physiology department in the nation, when he stepped down from the position in 2007.

Joining Dr. Dora, were, from left:  Edward J. Messina, Ph.D. '73, professor emeritus of physiology, Akos Koller, M.D., Ph.D., professor of physiology, Christopher S. Leonard, Ph.D., professor and interim chairman of the Department of Physiology, Dr. Kaley's widow, Harriette Kaley, Ph.D., and his son, David Kaley.


Sixth Annual Gabor and Harriette Kaley Endowed Lectureship