Mock Interview Day for the DPT Class of 2024

The Day Offered DPT Students a Glimpse into the Professional Side of Physical Therapy

July 24, 2023
D.P.T. Class of 2024 student participating in a mock interview in the Center for Interactive Learning at SHSP
D.P.T. Class of 2024 student participating in a mock interview in the Center for Interactive Learning

On July 10, students from the New York Medical College (NYMC) Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) Class of 2024 participated in the first annual mock interview day for their Professional Practice II course.

The three-hour event allowed third-year D.P.T. students the opportunity to meet with 12 professionals from the field of physical therapy for 30-minute, one-on-one mock interviews. The students came prepared with their resumes and were provided feedback by the interviewers, who served as mentors for the soon-to-be doctors.

Kristina M. Welsome, D.P.T., M.S., PT, MTS, OCS, CFMT, oversees the course and said she was looking for ways to make the class more engaging and relevant to students. She, along with Nikki Gawronski, D.P.T., PT, GCS, CEEAA, who teaches the Professional Practice I course for first-year students, reviewed their curriculums together and looked for ways to improve the student experience. Dr. Welsome credits Dr. Gawronski with the idea for the mock interview project.

Once the plan was in motion, Dr. Welsome contacted potential stakeholders who would be interested in mentoring her D.P.T. students. Representatives from various organizations, including Access Physical Therapy and Wellness, Fox Rehabilitation, Professional Physical Therapy and Spear Physical Therapy arrived to the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) eager to advise the NYMC students. Steven Brissette, D.P.T. '18, Patrick Watson, D.P.T. '12 and Kyle Stupi, D.P.T. '17, were among the field of representatives. 

Interviews took place in the Center for Interactive Learning and the Chouake Lab inside of SHSP. In the lobby of the building, those waiting to be interviewed were given the chance to network with the stakeholders.

Dr. Welsome said the day was a great success and plans on repeating the assignment for the class of 2025. She explained that the students really enjoyed the exercise, and they feel excited and prepared to start looking for, applying and interviewing for their first jobs when they finish their clinical placements.