Muhammad Choudhury, M.D., to Receive Prestigious Award from American Urological Association

Award Recognizes Dr. Choudhury for his Dedication to the Education and Training of Urologists in the U.S. and Bangladesh

January 06, 2023
Muhammad Choudhury, M.D.
Muhammad Choudhury, M.D.

Muhammad Choudhury, M.D., professor and chair of the Department of Urology, is the recipient of the 2023 Gold-Headed Cane Award from the American Urological Association (AUA) in recognition of his career dedicated to the education and training of urologists in the United States and Bangladesh. Dr. Choudhury will receive the award at the AUA Annual Meeting in May 2023.

The Gold-Headed Cane Award, first presented by AUA in 1991, was inspired by the gold-headed cane tradition which began in London in the 17th century. The tradition of the gold-headed cane, which was carried by a series of distinguished physicians, originated with Dr. John Radcliffe, who carried a gold-headed cane from 1689 to 1714 on many consultations. Dr. Radcliffe subsequently passed the cane on to a successor whom he considered to be the greatest English physician of his time. For more than a century after Dr. Radcliffe’s death, the cane passed successively to five eminent doctors, before the widow of one presented it to the Royal College of Physicians in London in 1825, where it remains today on display.