New York Medical College's Days of Giving Raises More Than $420,000 to Support the Next Generation of Healthcare Leaders

For 36 hours starting at noon on March 26, the New York Medical College (NYMC) community rallied to raise 394 gifts-amounting to a total of $420,913 for student scholarships during the NYMC's Days of Giving campaign.

April 01, 2019
NYMC\'s Days of Giving campaign fundraiser participants group
NYMC's Days of Giving campaign fundraiser participants group

NYMC provides more than $5 million in scholarship funding each year. With increased scholarship support, students can focus on their studies rather than worrying about crippling loan debt. Without scholarship support, many of the brightest NYMC students might not have been able to attend at all. 

The Days of Giving will enable students from the School of Medicine, the Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences, and the School of Health Sciences and Practice to pursue education regardless of economic background, and pursue their specialty of choice based on their passion for that field, regardless of income potential. "I couldn't be more thrilled and thankful for the outcome of this Days of Giving. The scholarship money will make a tremendous difference in reducing the indebtedness of our students across all three schools," said Anthony M. Sozzo, M.A., M.S. Ed., associate dean for student affairs and director of student financial planning and student activities