NYMC Set to Host MSCHE Virtual Campus Visit

NYMC hosting a preliminary virtual campus visit of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) chair of the visitation team on September 14 and 15.

August 24, 2020
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As part of the re-accreditation process, New York Medical College (NYMC) will be hosting a preliminary virtual campus visit of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) chair of the visitation team, Bruce Jarrell M.D., FACS, on September 14 and 15. Dr. Jarrell is the president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, thus bringing experience and leadership in the arena of medical and graduate school education. He will be meeting with individuals throughout NYMC including senior leadership, Board of Trustees, faculty governance, student governance, faculty, staff and other individuals who have been working on the MSCHE Self-Study.

The purpose of the preliminary visit is to introduce the team chair to NYMC, its people and its environment, and to prepare the chair and the team of peer evaluators for the upcoming site visit scheduled for the week of April 12, 2021. The College has submitted a draft of the MSCHE Self-Study, so Dr. Jarrell can provide feedback to ensure the Self-Study and documentation will support a useful on-site evaluation visit—currently scheduled as an in-person visit. During the virtual visit, institutional representatives at all levels are encouraged to discuss what they hope to achieve from the MSCHE self-study process.

“We look forward to virtually welcoming Dr. Jarrell to NYMC and working with him to complete the NYMC MSCHE Self-Study and prepare for the 2021 site visit,” said Dana G. Mordue, Ph.D., vice chancellor of MSCHE accreditation and associate professor of microbiology and immunology.