NYMC Unveils Free Community Food Pantry

Donate what you can, take what you need, is the idea behind the New York Medical College (NYMC) free community food pantry, located outside of the Alumni House at 20 Sunshine Cottage Road.

September 08, 2020
Food Pantry Box with food inside
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Food Pantry

The micro pantry will be stocked with non-perishable food items and other items donated by the NYMC community. The pantry will be monitored by volunteers coordinated by the Student Healthcare Executives Club (StuHE) in the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP). It is not supervised for Jewish dietary law observance.

“These are challenging times and it is our hope that the pantry will help ease some of the burdens that many people are facing,” says Denise C. Tahara, Ph.D., associate professor of Health Policy and Management in the SHSP, who is leading the new endeavor.

People interested in volunteering to help stock and monitor the pantry can reach out to Dr. Tahara at denise_tahara@nymc.edu or (914) 594-2039 and donations may be dropped off with any member of the NYMC security office.

Food Pantry Suggested Donations: 

  • Canned tuna and meats 
  • Canned beans 
  • Peanut butter and jelly 
  • Canned soups of all kinds 
  • Canned fruits and vegetables 
  • Cereals of all types 
  • Pasta of all kinds 
  • Macaroni and cheese 
  • Tomato Sauce and diced tomatoes 
  • Oil and Spices 
  • Mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup 
  • Salad dressing 
  • Crackers 
  • Cake mixes 
  • Beverages: coffee, tea, fruit juice 
  • Powdered milk or shelf-stable milk (such as evaporated milk or Parmalat) 
  • Canned formula and boxed baby cereal 
  • Kosher, low sodium and sugar-free products 
  • Toiletries, including deodorant, soap, shampoo, toilet tissue, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shaving soap and feminine hygiene products
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Diapers