Office of Student Academic Support Sets Up Students for Scholastic Success

The Office of Student Academic Support Provides a Multitude of Options for Students to Develop Efficient Study and Preparation Habits

December 06, 2021
Kristina H. Petersen, Ph.D.

Students at NYMC and Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM) have a lot to balance, and if they need assistance with their studies, the Office of Student Academic Support is ready to help. The Office focuses on providing students with resources to allow them to study and work as effectively as possible. Whether it be study methods or preparatory workshops, the Office of Student Academic Support is a vital asset for students throughout the NYMC and TCDM community. Kristina H. Petersen, Ph.D., assistant dean of academic support programs and assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, shares more on what the Office offers.

What are the department’s responsibilities?   

The Office of Student Academic Support strives to foster a student-centered learning environment that provides resources to all students at NYMC and TCDM. Our goal is to offer proactive programs, workshops and advisement designed to facilitate effective study habits, self-directed learning, equal access and positive learning outcomes. Initiatives include the Peer Learning Partner Program (PLP), writing support assistance, accommodations and accessibility, and standardized test preparation workshops.  

How would you describe the day-to-day functions of the department? 

The Office of Student Academic Support provides one-on-one assistance to NYMC and TCDM students on writing-related projects, including residency personal statements, CVs/resumes, literature reviews, theses, dissertations and papers for publication. We develop individual study plans for the course and required examinations for NYMC and TCDM students, provide study strategy recommendations and examination preparation lectures/workshops. In addition to holding one-on-one sessions by appointment, PLPs host group-learning events. For NYMC students, our team meets with individual students with disabilities to determine disability-related needs and review associated documentation, collaborate with different departments to provide individual academic accommodation plans, provide faculty development and training on disability inclusion and advocate for students with disabilities who apply for accommodations.

What is the department’s most-asked question by students or faculty?   

Students will almost always inquire about how they can improve in certain areas of their studies and ask for suggestions regarding study strategies best suited for them.  

What is one thing you'd like students to know about your department?  

The Office of Student Academic Support is for all students. How you learn evolves with what you learn. We are here to help students achieve their next goal.  

What is a tip you can give about the department or its services? 

Make an appointment to meet with a member of our team to introduce yourself and gain some perspective on strategies that may be best tailored to you and your academic needs. Do not wait until you face academic challenges to reach out. We appreciate the opportunity to discuss proactive study plans.