Sabrina Martinez, GSBMS Class of 2023, Is Building a Foundation in Basic Sciences With Dreams of Medical School

Ms. Martinez Has Her Sights Set On Becoming An Ophthalmologist

August 22, 2022
Sabrina Martinez, GSBMS Class of 2023
Sabrina Martinez, GSBMS Class of 2023

Sabrina Martinez, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS) Class of 2023 and president of the Graduate Student Association (GSA), was introduced to medicine at a young age, where she would visit her mother at her work and see first-hand the workings of an oncology clinic. With an end goal of becoming a physician, Ms. Martinez is dedicated to developing a deep understanding of the basic sciences as she pursues her master’s degree—all while being very involved in student life at New York Medical College (NYMC).

What inspired you to pursue your degree?

My mother introduced me to the field of medicine when I was a child. I would visit her oncology clinic and watch her interact with patients and their families. My parents work in the medical field, and I grew up learning how to be resilient and compassionate. I want to develop myself in the medical sciences with my sights set on becoming a physician.

What has helped motivate you along your educational journey? Have you encountered any challenges along the way?

My family and friends have helped me stay motivated, especially when I graduated from State University of New York (SUNY) Binghamton during a pandemic. Through my friends, I heard about a master’s program at NYMC that would help me build my skills in the field of biological sciences. My family supported my decision and encouraged me to continue to strive for what I want, which is an education in medicine. The study of medicine is vast and complex, but I’m ready for that challenge.

After you graduate, what is your dream career?

Once I graduate from the Interdisciplinary Basic Medical Science Master’s Program, I plan to apply to medical school with the ultimate goal of becoming an ophthalmologist.

What made you choose NYMC?

I chose NYMC because of its rigorous curriculum, its exemplary faculty and its excellent reputation.

What has been your favorite aspect of being an NYMC student?

Being an NYMC student has been a great opportunity to learn from other students from different walks of life. Everyone in the NYMC program is dedicated to teaching. My favorite part of being a student at NYMC is being on a lovely campus with its easy access to nature and a library across the street from the resident halls. After an exam or studying at the library, walking back to my dorm is relaxing and peaceful after a hard day’s work, even though the rigors of the day may not yet be over.

What faculty member has had the greatest influence on you here?

Dr. Victor Garcia [Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmacology], is my mentor here at NYMC. He is very encouraging and supportive to me and is dedicated to helping students succeed. His advice has been paramount to my success during my first year of graduate studies.

What advice would you give applicants or incoming students?

I remember during my orientation day; I was told that “students should find people who will add to their studies and/or one’s life.” This statement has made an impression on me throughout my first year at NYMC. The community at NYMC is one that fosters mentorships and a meaningful learning environment. Making friends or becoming well acquainted with my colleagues has enabled me to form a network that keeps me well-positioned and motivated, especially for the challenges to come.

Outside of your studies, what are your hobbies or interests?

I have a black belt in karate. I enjoy writing fiction and poetry, painting and playing piano. I have also acquired some new hobbies such as cooking, baking, playing guitar and gardening.

Are you a part of any student organizations or interest groups?

Currently I am the President of the GSA. It is a great experience in getting to know others in our program and becoming more involved with on-campus activities. I am also an art editor for Quill and Scope magazine, NYMC’s student medical journal.