SHSP Presents Inaugural Research Showcase

The School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) hosted the inaugural Research Showcase on January 30 for faculty to present their ongoing work to familiarize students and the New York Medical College community with their projects and to highlight the opportunities for cross-disciplinary interactions.

February 19, 2019
SHSP Inaugural Research Showcase Group Headshot
SHSP Inaugural Research Showcase

Twenty-one posters and 12 oral presentations provided a glimpse at the many community-service and research projects currently underway.

“A great strength of the School of Health Sciences and Practice is the wealth of knowledge and experience that our faculty share with our students by including them in numerous and diverse community-service and research projects. Participation in these projects allows students to gain invaluable practical skills that enable them to excel in their future careers,” said Diane E. Heck, Ph.D., associate dean for research in the SHSP. Explaining the purpose of the showcase, she continued, “In the past, as a small close-knit faculty, we could easily inform and guide interested faculty and students to projects that matched their individual interests. However, as the school grew, so did the number and breadth of our projects.”

Three monetary awards were presented to:

First Place

Alexander Boyer, M.P.H. ’18 (center)
Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health
Applied Practice Experience (APE): Enhancing the Student Experience in Promoting Health Equity and Meeting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 Locally, Nationally and Globally

(Mr. Boyer was joined by his mentors: Amy Ansehl, R.N., D.N.P., FNP-BC, left, associate dean for student experience, associate professor of public health and executive director of the Partnership for a Healthy Population, and Padmini Murthy, M.D., M.P.H., M.S., M.Phil, CHES, FRSPH, professor and global health director in the Department of Public Health, Division of Health Policy and Management, and clinical assistant professor of family and community medicine).

Second Place

Monica McHenry, Ph.D., CCC-S.L.P.
Professor of Speech-Language Pathology
Determining the Impact of Steam Inhalation and SOVT (Steaming Occluded Vocal Tract) Exercise as Vocal Rescue Strategies in Musicians

Third Place

George W. Contreras, M.E.P., M.P.H., M.S., CEM, EMTP
Assistant Professor, Institute of Public Health and Assistant Director of the Center for Disaster Medicine
Stop the Bleed

SHSP Research Showcase