Social Media Ambassadors Represent NYMC

New York Medical College (NYMC) is pleased to introduce its newest cohort of student social media ambassadors for the 2020-2021 academic year.

October 19, 2020
Cut and pasted slide pictures of NYMC Social Media Ambassadors
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NYMC Social Media Ambassadors

The social media-savvy students share Instagram stories, tweets and Facebook posts about all the exciting happenings at NYMC. Since the social media ambassador program began in 2019, engagement of the NYMC social media accounts has increased with more followers, likes and comments. Meet the social media ambassadors and learn why they became ambassadors, how they are making it through the COVID-19 pandemic and their advice for current and future students.

Amanda Scudder
School of Medicine

  • Why did you choose to become a social media ambassador?
    As an NYMC social ambassador, I hope to showcase all of the amazing people, opportunities and experiences that the School of Medicine offers. In such an inherently competitive field, I couldn’t have been more pleasantly surprised to find such a collaborative community at NYMC who genuinely believes that the success of one is the success of all. 
  • Why did you choose to become a social media ambassador?
    Being a social media ambassador highlights the NYMC community and gives us students a platform to share our experiences. I love creating content and am a creative at heart, so I felt this was the perfect opportunity to push my boundaries outside of the classroom and, in a way, document my growth during my time at NYMC. 
  • How did you stay upbeat during the quarantine or even now during this time of physical distancing?
    Exploring coffee shops was my primary way of de-stressing. Since I've been home, I've been learning how to brew my own coffee. It's been a lot of fun experimenting. I feel like I'm back in the lab! It has been an especially challenging time for the hospitality and restaurant industry, so I've been ordering beans from local roasters to support their businesses. Also, reconnecting with family and friends has been a huge factor in staying upbeat.
  • What advice or word of encouragement do you have for current and/or future NYMC students?
    The NYMC community is filled with so many intelligent and interesting people–don't compare yourself to others! You were chosen to be here with a goal of learning and growing to be your best self. 
  • How did you stay upbeat during the quarantine or even now during this time of physical distancing?
    I always prioritize balance, but I find that the novelty and uncertainty associated with quarantining only further escalate its significance. I attempt to find balance by connecting with loved ones (now more so via Facetime and Zoom), working on new fitness goals and spending more time outdoors, as I seek new activities/hobbies to make the best of the current situation.
  • What advice or word of encouragement do you have for current and/or future NYMC students?
    My advice would be to always take everything one day at a time and do your best to always make time to improve your well-being. It's no secret that medical school can be difficult, so giving yourself a break can make the world of a difference in your attitude and productivity.

Brittany Mortera
Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences

Maille Guerin
Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.), School of Health Sciences and Practice

  • Why did you choose to become a social media ambassador?
    I think that social media is a great way to spread knowledge to all different types of people in a variety of locations. I love how social media makes people feel connected and as an ambassador I wanted students, faculty, alumni, family members and prospective students, to feel that connection to NYMC. 
  • How did you stay upbeat during the quarantine or even now during this time of physical distancing?
    I spent as much time as possible outside and tried to stick to a routine to feel upbeat during this time.
  • What advice or word of encouragement do you have for current and/or future NYMC students?
    My advice to students, current or prospective, is to ask questions! Everyone at NYMC is so eager to help one another. 

Nicholas Vang
Public Health programs, School of Health Sciences and Practice

  • Why did you choose to become a social media ambassador?
    I decided to become a social media ambassador because I saw the need to showcase our diversity, community involvement and networking opportunities. As a social media ambassador, I’m able to highlight my colleagues' backgrounds and talents, all while sharing the opportunities and lived experiences at NYMC. In short. I am grateful for this opportunity, and hope to provide relatable content that will brighten everyone's day!
  • How did you stay upbeat during the quarantine or even now during this time of physical distancing?
    During quarantine, I stayed in the Astoria neighborhood of the New York City borough of Queens. It was not easy to endure physical distancing, as it was mentally draining, especially in the big city. To prevent me from becoming exhausted, I kept myself busy by maintaining close relations with my peers, friends and family, through social media and Facetime. 
  • What advice or word of encouragement do you have for current and/or future NYMC students?
    I encourage future NYMC students to network among their colleagues and to build strong peer groups. Whether it is to study, enjoy a night out or be a part of a club or student organization, being involved with peers can positively change the dynamics of one's overall educational experience, learning and mental health. 

Sarah Brooks
Speech-Language Pathology (SLP), School of Health Sciences and Practice 

  • Why did you choose to become a social media ambassador?
    In these unprecedented times, I feel social media is a way to keep everyone connected. It is so easy to feel alone and neglected without face-to-face contact. Being a social media ambassador gives me the chance to bring people together and uplift fellow classmates. 
  • How did you stay upbeat during the quarantine or even now during this time of physical distancing?
    To stay upbeat, I listen to a motivational podcast every morning while I drink my coffee. I also make it a point to get outside for at least 30 minutes a day and be active. 
  • What advice or word of encouragement do you have for current and/or future NYMC students?
    If I can give any advice, it would be to make time for yourself at least 30 minutes a day. Turn off of “school mode” and do something that makes you happy, like watching a TV show, going for a run, reading a book, baking, etc. Self-care is so imperative to being successful in one’s professional career.